Thursday, April 10, 2008


By now most of us have seen the disgusting video of several teenage girls brutally beating a former friend. The reaction has for the most part been one of anger and disgust as well as bewilderment. People asking questions such as, how can this be? Where did we as a society go wrong? Well I have my own opinion about this. If we as a society teach these kids that they come from animals (evolution), why should it surprise us when they start acting like animals. If they can’t pray, or talk about God in school but they can talk about sex, murder and mayhem, why be surprise when they participate in all those things. Just look at the movies they watch, the music they listen to, the role models they admire and you will begin to see why they act the way they do. Young people today need direction and encouragement. Believe it or not they want to be told what is right and what is wrong. We as the parents, mentors, pastors and teachers have the responsibility to make sure they hear the truth. The truth that comes from the Lord. The truth that says that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. It is up to us to make sure that our young people meet our Lord and start a relationship with Him that is the only thing that will stop them from a continuous downward spiral.

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