Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Effective Leadership Tips

Here is the last batch of tips:

11. Make corrections and changes when necessary.

12. Don't let your volunteers get in a rut. Don't keep doing the same old stuff in ministry. Watch out for complacency and familiarity. Keep volunteers excited by doing new things.

13. Always set the pace; be the leader. Be the kind of person you'd like to work for. Dare to lead no matter what. Give your volunteers an example to follow and a model worth imitating.

14. Don't fret about what you don't have. Commit yourself to help your volunteers grow into the next level as leaders.

15. As you experience success, don't forget about the things you did that caused you to gain success. Don't quit doing what has worked for you.

Well there you have it,delegation is not an option for those who want to succeed in ministry, but to succeed, you must take inventory of where you are. Start small and go from there.

Source: Group, Jim Wideman.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Effective Leadership (Contnd)

Here are some more tips on delegation:

6. Push authority down. It's extremely important that you always delegate authority along with responsibility. Those you delegate to can only carry out the tasks you desire with proper authority.

7. Put your heart into the level of leadership under you. People can't represent you well if they don't have your heart. And you can't put your heart into your volunteer leaders without making a commitment to spend time with them. Take someone with you whenever you can. Be quick to pass on what you know to someone else. Allow those around you to ask questions. Establish excellent lines of communication. Take advantage of every communication tool available.

8. Establish accountability. Teach your volunteers how authority works. Help them understand the chain of command.

9. Support and encourage those who help you. It's imperative that you build a support structure around your volunteers.

10. Dare to confront those who are doing it wrong. When you see things that need to be done differently, gently confront people. Don't wait for things to become a problem. Be on the offense and deal with things as they come up. What if volunteers quit? Why be negative? If they quit, they quit. But what if they change and become super leaders?

More to come!

Source: Group, Jim Wideman.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Effective Leadership

In my years of being a manager I have come to realize that the best resource I had was the people that worked with me or for me. Once I came in to the ministry I realized that people became a more valuable assets since now I was dealing with mostly volunteers. My dilemma was, how to maximize their potential. I found out that the best way to maximize their potential and abilities was through delegation. The bottom line is that over the years I found out that I cannot do the work alone. The Bible talks about leaders that tried to do the work alone and were headed to failure, one example is that of Moses. He learned the hard way about doing the job alone. In Exodus 18, we're told about how Moses did everything in ministry by himself, and it caused problems on the job. It was tough on the people, Moses, and his family. Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, gave him wise advice and counsel. Simply put...he told Moses to delegate or die.

In reading about the subject of delegating I came across an article by Jim Wideman were he talks about 15 delegating tips that can help us in becoming more effective leaders. I agree with them and I will share some of them here in hopes that it may help, here they are:

1. Identify what you need to be doing. There's a right way and a wrong way to delegate ministry to others. Delegation isn't finding someone who's willing and then dumping part of your ministry responsibilities on him. There are some projects that are easier to delegate than others. There are other projects that you should never delegate -- and still others that if you do delegate, proceed with caution.

2. Identify things others can do, and let them do those things. Once you delegate jobs, ensure that the responsible people are properly trained and coached. Next, identify areas where you could use a capable worker. Don't just assign a task; empower a person to do the task well.

3. Qualify all workers. Jethro gave Moses requirements for workers in Exodus 18:21: "But select capable men from all the people." A major rule of delegation is to qualify who you delegate responsibility to. Are they capable and able? If not, then help them become capable and able.

4. Define exactly what you want done. Everyone needs a job description. Especially volunteers! Give them checklists to show what you want them to do and to show you what was done.

5. Train and teach those you recruit. You must model to others how you want it done. Classes are good, but hands-on training is better.

Well that's good enough for now, I will share more in other post. Read Article Here.

Source: Group, Jim Wideman

Friday, August 27, 2010

Daily Living

Have you ever wondered how we as Christians are supposed to live our daily lives? As you study the Bible you come to know that we should live daily by and in the grace of God. But what does that mean? How do we live by God's grace? Does it mean that we do nothing and just wait for things to "fall" on our laps? I don't think so. We have to take an active part, we must become fully involved in living by grace. However, our involvement develops through ways and means that God has ordained, ways that you or I would have never imagined. There are two characteristics in particular that are essential in living by grace, they are, humility and faith.

In the book of James 4:6 it says that "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble". That tells me that the grace of God does not flow into and through lives of self-sufficiency. What do I mean by that, lives that depend upon their own resources and their own abilities, and as I read the verse I take it to mean that those lives are actually resisted by the Lord. So in this context humility admits my/our comprehensive need for God to work in our lives.

The other characteristic is faith. In the book of Romans 5:2 it speaks of Jesus, "through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand." Here we see that the spiritual ground on which we stand in Jesus is a realm of grace. So how do we access that grace? How do we avail ourselves of it in every day Christian living? It is done by faith, by trusting in the Lord, day by day and step by step. In every situation that we may find ourselves daily, whether we need to make a decission or comitt to an action, everything needs to be dealt with by faith. That is what is meant by having total dependance upon the Lord, relying on His word, His provisions, His promises.

In light of all of this then I am to totally surrender to my Lord and trust that He will enable me by faith to live a life of grace.

Source: LICM.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Deja Vu

Even though is my day off today, I got up really early (6 am). I did it to take part of what has become for me a yearly "tradition" for the past I would say 10 or 11 years, that is taking my daughter to her first day of school. This year was special, not only because she is now a junior in high school, but also because she is starting a new adventure in her education. She started in the S.A.S program, a program that is geared for students to work on their college at the same time as high school. Is kind of like a dual enrollment program. Anyways, as I was driving my daughter this morning (driving like a maniac I add, since we were running late), I realized how this might be the last year I get to do this since she will be driving by herself pretty soon. It also made me think about the brevity of life and how fast it goes by. I still remember the times of dropping her off at Pre-K and so on. It reminds me of what the Bible says:"LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away".Psalm 39:4. So we must live our lives to the fullest and savoring the moments we get to spend with our love ones. For those of you that have kids that are young enough to be driven to school, enjoy it (in spite of the traffic), because before you know it, they will be all grown up and gone.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Family Force 5

Get your tickets for

Family Force 5
in concert

Sunday, September 12

@ 7:00pm

at Calvary Chapel Kendall West Campus

John A. Ferguson High School

15900 SW 56th Street

Tickets on sale
on the LiFE FM website.


Tickets are $15.00 per person.

No childcare provided.

Lazy Saturday

What a beautiful morning today. This is why people want to come and live here. Anyways, after a great invigorating workout, my wife and I went to breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants (Sergios). This has turned into somewhat of a tradition for us and is one that I have grown to look forward to. It gives me time to re-connect with my wife and catch up on the goings on of the past week, and look forward to the coming one. I am grateful that I can do this.