Wednesday, August 5, 2009


The closer I get to the Lord and the more I seek to learn from Him I realize how simple it is to have a close personal relationship with Him. It seems that is us that complicate things. Let me explain, God makes it clear in the Bible that we need nothing but willing hearts to receive God's power and forgiveness. It is also clear that we have no power or ability that can overcome the power of sin in our lives. In fact, a life of self-sufficiency is ultimately self-destructive. When we surrender our lives to God, we accept His way, only then can we experience His power in our lives. Sounds simple right? But we tend to complicate things by adding all kinds of "hoops" to jump through. We as humans try to add our wisdom to the process when the Bible clearly says that God's plan for our redemption doesn't utilize our human wisdom, strength, or skill. And we don't have to be famous or rich to receive God's forgiveness and power. It is in our nature to be self-sufficient and as such we may have a hard time accepting all this. We want to feel worthy of our salvation. But until we can admit that we need God's help to change, we will not have the power to redirect the course of our lives.

This simplicity also applies when we talk to others about Jesus. Many times when we are sharing with people about Him we overwhelm them with a series of complicated explanations and instructions. We have to realize that doing this will only confuse them and maybe even turn them off to our message. We must keep the message plain and simple, and that is, that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves; God has done everything necessary for our deliverance. As we share this incredible great message, lets remember to keep it simple, and trust the power of the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of the people we are trying to help.

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