Monday, July 16, 2007

It's RIP for PBA in Louisiana

Life just got a little safer for late term unborn children in Louisiana. On Friday, Governor Kathleen Blanco approved legislation that makes the state of Louisiana the first state to outlaw partial birth abortion since the U.S. Supreme Court decision to uphold a federal ban in April. The new law criminalizes this gruesome procedure in all cases except to preserve the life of the mother. Doctors who practice partial birth abortion can be fined between $1000 and $10,000, and face prison terms of 1-10 years. The legislation, which was passed overwhelmingly by Louisiana lawmakers, strengthens the federal protection and sets a precedent for other states to follow. While there remains much more work to be done in protecting innocent life, this is a major victory that shows the ripple effect of the Supreme Court's decision. Other states are expected to follow suit, and I encourage you to contact your own state's elected officials and urge them to likewise outlaw this grisly threat to human life.

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