Thursday, July 21, 2011


It’s been said, “Practice makes perfect”. That is not necessarily true. Practice makes permanent. Do it over and over again incorrectly, and you have simply developed a bad habit. “Perfect practice makes perfect”. It takes a lot of sacrifice blood, sweat and guts to achieve excellence to separate yourself. The Apostle Paul understood that this same degree of intensity was necessary to reach a level of “spiritual” excellence. In his letter to young Timothy, Paul urges him to “… train yourself for godliness.” (1 Timothy 4:7 ESV) It’s interesting that the Greek word for “train” is gymnazo, from which we get the word gymnasium, and it means to exercise vigorously. Strenuous spiritual exercise in order to produce godliness. Paul goes on to say, “…godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” (vs. 8 ESV)

Promise for the life to come but also for this present life. Too often in this world, our spiritual lives are lethargic and weak. Maybe our lack of power as Christians is simply spiritual inactivity. Maybe we need to get our fight back. Get back in the Word. Seek spiritual excellence in prayer. Inspiration comes by perspiration. Paul must have known that there would be a tendency for Timothy to be lackadaisical in his day-to-day journey. He reminded him, “Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you…” (1 Timothy 4:14 NAS)… “For to this end we toil and strive…” (vs. 10 ESV)… “Practice these things… immerse yourself in them…” (vs. 10)

Spiritual determination. Sacred vigorous exercise. Daily devotional discipline. Who knows you just might get yourself out of a mess and turn your life around.

Source: AACC

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