Just when you thought congressional approval ratings couldn't drop any lower, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced plans for a new economic stimulus package. The ink on Congress' $700 billion bailout bill is barely dry, yet House Democrats are back at it, adding to America's tab by the hundreds of billions. Ironically, Pelosi and company still believe they can solve this crisis by exacerbating the problem that got us here, spending money America doesn't have. In the latest proposal, liberals are trying to bribe voters with their own money. "Re-elect us," Pelosi seems to say, "and Congress will send you a check." What Pelosi doesn't mention is that this package won't create wealth but redistribute it. With a price tag that could climb upwards of $200 billion, the Democrats' plan would increase funding for unemployment benefits, food stamps, and "infrastructure." States that find themselves in financial trouble would also profit. The plan would create an economic crutch for those who spent unwisely, rewarding irresponsibility and plunging America even deeper into debt. At a press conference, the House Majority Leader said, "That is something that we all know that we have to do." On the contrary, what Congress needs to do is stop fooling itself into believing that it can deliver real relief with paternalistic payments when fundamental tax fairness for families needs to be made permanent before the bills for these billion dollar bailouts come due.
Source: FRC.
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