There seem to be few issues preventing Americans from voting for Sen. Obama, but thankfully abortion is one of them. A new poll highlighted in the Washington Times by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner shows that a majority of evangelicals young ones in particular-refuse to betray their pro-life convictions on Election Day. "While young evangelicals... have become more liberal on other social issues... we do not see the same movement toward a liberal position on abortion," said pollster Anna Greenberg.
Although Sen. Obama is still widely popular among young voters, abortion could prove to be a losing issue for the Democratic candidate. Today's teens are far more pro-life than their parents, according to a Pew survey released earlier this year. Those beliefs could easily push them away from a candidate with a 100 percent approval rating from Planned Parenthood. For more on the Senator's policy, check out FRC Action's new video, "Draw the Line: Barack Obama and Partial-Birth Abortion," now available online at
Source: FRC
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