As the elections draw near there are very important issues that the voters will be deciding. California's ballot initiative may be receiving the most attention, but there are plenty of important values issues to go around. Next week, voters are considering measures in 33 states on everything from prostitution to casinos. These are the key social questions around the country. California: Proposition 4 would create a limited statewide parental notification law. If it passes, doctors would be required to call home before performing an abortion on a minor girl.
Colorado: Also known as the Personhood Amendment, Question 48 would define a "person" as "any human being from the moment of fertilization." If successful, this initiative could have a significant impact on future abortion laws.
Michigan: Proposal 2 would allow human embryos created for fertility purposes to be used for research, leading to the destruction of these embryos and undoing a 1978 law banning the killing of human embryos.
South Dakota: Except in the cases of rape, incest, or threats to the mother's health, Measure 11 would amend the state's constitution to protect the unborn in South Dakota.
Washington: I-1000 would legalize assisted suicide, allowing doctors to order lethal drug overdoses for patients with six months or less to live. Family members would not have to be informed.
Get informed and get out and VOTE!!!
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