If you're wondering what tops Congress's wish list, try job security. Given the choice, a Rasmussen poll shows that almost 60% of Americans would clean House literally and fire every member of Congress. Only 17 percent of voters would be willing to keep the legislature we have now. And for good reason! While there are some very good men and women presently serving, the Congressional majority has been more hostile to American families than any contingent in history. With their values assaulted almost daily, voters have grown increasingly frustrated with our leaders, and Congress' single digit approval ratings show it. To help educate you about the men and women competing for your support, FRC Action has just released their latest Congressional Voter Guide. From abortion and hate crimes to marriage and gun control, they show you where the next class of leaders stands on some of the year's hottest issues. With an important election on the horizon, please do your part. Log on to www.frc.org for the information you need to make an educated decision. And while you're there, check out the Presidential Voter Guide.
On November 4th, make a difference by voting your values.
Source: FRC.
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