Speaker of the House Pelosi says that those who disrupt and protest at town hall meetings are un-American, however check the video out, and see her commending protestors and disruptors during protests agaisnt the war. I guess it only applies when people protest agaisnt what she supports, what a hypocrite.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Going to Jail for Praying?
Students, teachers and local pastors are protesting over a court case involving a northern Florida school principal and an athletic director who are facing criminal charges and up to six months in jail over their offer of a mealtime prayer. Story Here.
Sharing with Others
This morning during my devotional time I read from 1 Corinthians 9, is a chapter were Paul shares with us his views as it pertains to sharing the Gospel. He left us with some helpful hints about how to share God's message with others. He shows us that if we want to communicate, we must first take the time to understand the other person. Paul was a master at listening to his audience and afterward finding common ground with them. He did this before he told them about their need to change. As we seek to help others, we do well by applying Paul's method. We must begin by gaining their confidence. We don't need to be good at winning arguments; which seems to be the popular thing to do now a days. Instead we need to be good at listening to them and showing them we care. We should be like Paul who listened to the needs of people and then presented his message in a way that met their specific needs. We can do the same as we carry the message of hope to hurting people.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Dealing with Opposition
If you are like me, you have probably felt at one time or another that doing God's will is bringing lots of opposition in your life. Well we are not alone, this morning I was reading the book of Nehemiah (very practical book by the way) and as I read, I realized that carrying out the will of God will always bring opposition. My, and your and even Nehemiah's experience is no exception. We may face ridicule, or sarcasm and those things may sting. But we must not focus our attention on the sarcasm or the ridicule; we must continue to look to God as we seek to obey His plans for us.
So then the question to be asked is; how do we counter ridicule and disdain? Well it is essential that we seek God and also keep our guard up. We must counter ridicule with prayer. But we must also remember that prayer must be accompanied by action. And finally we must also realize that there is a cost to obeying and following God's plan, but spiritual growth is always worth the pain and sacrifice.
So then the question to be asked is; how do we counter ridicule and disdain? Well it is essential that we seek God and also keep our guard up. We must counter ridicule with prayer. But we must also remember that prayer must be accompanied by action. And finally we must also realize that there is a cost to obeying and following God's plan, but spiritual growth is always worth the pain and sacrifice.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Dealing with Sin
This morning I was reading the Book of Ezra the tenth chapter, is a hard chapter to read. I can say that God was being harsh in dealing with His people, I mean making them divorce their wives and leave them and in some instances with their children. But these were the consequences that sin brought to their lives, and is the same with me, I have to know that sin in my life will always have terrible consequences, and not only for me but for those around me that love me and care for me. This reminder must help me in my choices.
I also must remember that if I do nothing about the sins in my life, I will never move forward. I must confess these sins to God and then take action against them.
In this chapter we read that the people did not stop at mere confession; they also committed themselves to reform, redirecting the course of their lives back into alignment with God's commands. It is never enough to just acknowledge that we have sins in our lives. We must follow the example of these Israelites and follow our confessions with action,accepting responsibility for our sins and then taking active steps to eliminate sinful and destructive behaviors from our lives.
I also must remember that if I do nothing about the sins in my life, I will never move forward. I must confess these sins to God and then take action against them.
In this chapter we read that the people did not stop at mere confession; they also committed themselves to reform, redirecting the course of their lives back into alignment with God's commands. It is never enough to just acknowledge that we have sins in our lives. We must follow the example of these Israelites and follow our confessions with action,accepting responsibility for our sins and then taking active steps to eliminate sinful and destructive behaviors from our lives.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Insider
We continue to go through the book of Jonah we are currently in the 2 chapter. Pastor Pedro named this teaching the Insider and it focused on Jonah 1:17-2:10. This is what I took away from the teaching today:
>God prepares a way. God will cause storms in our lives to bring us back. He will do whatever it takes to bring me back to where I need to be.
When we run from God, we miss out on His purpose for our lives.
>God hears us pray. It must be real prayer, we must be honest when we pray. We must own up to our mistakes our prayers must be repentant.
>God gives us a new day. No matter what we have done, God will give us another chance if we are sincere in our repentance.
If we want to go anywhere in life we need to die to self.
If you run from God you will always get burn.
God will restore the years that the locust has eaten.
>God prepares a way. God will cause storms in our lives to bring us back. He will do whatever it takes to bring me back to where I need to be.
When we run from God, we miss out on His purpose for our lives.
>God hears us pray. It must be real prayer, we must be honest when we pray. We must own up to our mistakes our prayers must be repentant.
>God gives us a new day. No matter what we have done, God will give us another chance if we are sincere in our repentance.
If we want to go anywhere in life we need to die to self.
If you run from God you will always get burn.
God will restore the years that the locust has eaten.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Big Brother is Coming
The White House strategy of turning supporters into snitches when they see "fishy" information about the health care debate may run afoul of the law, legal experts say. Story Here.
Awesome Quote!
"Congress treats the American taxpayer like an all-you-can-eat buffet ... Pelosi and Reid, you need to put yourself on a diet, or we'll do it for you in 2010". Lynne Marino.
Congress Gets an Upgrade or The Irony of Hypocrisy
Congress plans to spend $550 million to buy eight jets, a substantial upgrade to the fleet used by federal officials at a time when lawmakers have criticized the use of corporate jets by companies receiving taxpayer funds. Once again our representatives laugh in our faces and spend our hard earn tax money. Read Story Here.
I don't know about you, but there have been times in my life when I have made a mess of things, and is during those times when I find myself calling out to God in desperation. I have to say that He has never failed me although some times I have failed Him. Anyways, I have always felt great joy and gratitude when He has picked me up and does not allow for my problems to defeat or destroy me. Sometimes I have gone through some long, dark nights struggling with my problems before experiencing the joy of victory. All these things have taught me that there are times I must wait on the Lord. But when I do finally overcome, the joy of success is only that much sweeter.
I have also realized this, that sometimes we may be in the most danger when everything in our lives is going well. We tend to get overconfident and think nothing can happen to us. But we must remember that pride and overconfidence usually come before a fall. We must always remember that we can't make it alone. How do we keep things practical, by practicing spiritual disciplines, by staying close to God, seeking Him through prayer, meditating on His Word, and worshiping Him. These are all key spiritual disciplines that will help us in our spiritual walk.
I have also realized this, that sometimes we may be in the most danger when everything in our lives is going well. We tend to get overconfident and think nothing can happen to us. But we must remember that pride and overconfidence usually come before a fall. We must always remember that we can't make it alone. How do we keep things practical, by practicing spiritual disciplines, by staying close to God, seeking Him through prayer, meditating on His Word, and worshiping Him. These are all key spiritual disciplines that will help us in our spiritual walk.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Twitter Down
If you were having problems posting on Twitter or Facebook, this might be the reason why. Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, Google Blogger and other Web sites were hobbled Thursday Twitter was completely down for many users and it all appears to have been because of a coordinated online attack on one political blogger in the Republic of Georgia. Read it Here.
His Plan
There are some things about God that I still can't wrap my mind around, one of them is that He has had a good plan for us, yes for each one of us from the beginning of time. If we ask Him to work in our lives, that plan will come about. No matter how many mistakes you or I have made, God can still turn things around so they work according to His plan. Our part in all of this is simple, we just need to surrender our lives to Him and seek to follow His will as He reveals it to us. No matter what you or I have done in the past, God still loves us and can work His restoration within us.
Sometimes we might feel as if we have lost our direction, and our tendency is to blame God or feel that somehow He is making things worse. Well it is during those times that we must remember that He has wonderful things planned for us, things even more wonderful than we could ever imagine. We must remember that if we surrender our lives to God, He can build new lives for us that are beyond our wildest dreams.
This all may cause some of us to wonder how we could ever know God's will and plan for our lives. This is a valid question and one that I have asked myself many times, and the answer is that we can know God's mind and heart because He has given us His Holy Spirit to live within us, to communicate with us. What a privilege that is! God's presence in our lives will guide us in the way He wants us to go.
Sometimes we might feel as if we have lost our direction, and our tendency is to blame God or feel that somehow He is making things worse. Well it is during those times that we must remember that He has wonderful things planned for us, things even more wonderful than we could ever imagine. We must remember that if we surrender our lives to God, He can build new lives for us that are beyond our wildest dreams.
This all may cause some of us to wonder how we could ever know God's will and plan for our lives. This is a valid question and one that I have asked myself many times, and the answer is that we can know God's mind and heart because He has given us His Holy Spirit to live within us, to communicate with us. What a privilege that is! God's presence in our lives will guide us in the way He wants us to go.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sometimes when I talk to people about God and starting a relationship with Him, they tell me that they are not ready to commit because they don't want to lose their friends. Some also tell me that they don't want to deal with people mocking them. I can understand and even relate to what they say, however, I also tell them that we ought to look forward to what God is doing with our lives and not look back and become depressed or discouraged. I remind them that God has a new life for us that He has yet to unfold, and one day we will be made sinless just like Jesus.
We also need to remember that when we decide to be real about our relationship with God there will be opposition. When God starts to do a great work in our lives, enemies almost invariably rise up against it. There will be adversaries against our work as we seek to obey God's plan for our lives, but we must trust in the Lord to help us persevere in obedience to His will. Today, we must accept the reality that many will not be supportive of our new way of life. We must never allow such people to stand in the way of our spiritual transformation.
We also need to remember that when we decide to be real about our relationship with God there will be opposition. When God starts to do a great work in our lives, enemies almost invariably rise up against it. There will be adversaries against our work as we seek to obey God's plan for our lives, but we must trust in the Lord to help us persevere in obedience to His will. Today, we must accept the reality that many will not be supportive of our new way of life. We must never allow such people to stand in the way of our spiritual transformation.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The closer I get to the Lord and the more I seek to learn from Him I realize how simple it is to have a close personal relationship with Him. It seems that is us that complicate things. Let me explain, God makes it clear in the Bible that we need nothing but willing hearts to receive God's power and forgiveness. It is also clear that we have no power or ability that can overcome the power of sin in our lives. In fact, a life of self-sufficiency is ultimately self-destructive. When we surrender our lives to God, we accept His way, only then can we experience His power in our lives. Sounds simple right? But we tend to complicate things by adding all kinds of "hoops" to jump through. We as humans try to add our wisdom to the process when the Bible clearly says that God's plan for our redemption doesn't utilize our human wisdom, strength, or skill. And we don't have to be famous or rich to receive God's forgiveness and power. It is in our nature to be self-sufficient and as such we may have a hard time accepting all this. We want to feel worthy of our salvation. But until we can admit that we need God's help to change, we will not have the power to redirect the course of our lives.
This simplicity also applies when we talk to others about Jesus. Many times when we are sharing with people about Him we overwhelm them with a series of complicated explanations and instructions. We have to realize that doing this will only confuse them and maybe even turn them off to our message. We must keep the message plain and simple, and that is, that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves; God has done everything necessary for our deliverance. As we share this incredible great message, lets remember to keep it simple, and trust the power of the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of the people we are trying to help.
This simplicity also applies when we talk to others about Jesus. Many times when we are sharing with people about Him we overwhelm them with a series of complicated explanations and instructions. We have to realize that doing this will only confuse them and maybe even turn them off to our message. We must keep the message plain and simple, and that is, that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves; God has done everything necessary for our deliverance. As we share this incredible great message, lets remember to keep it simple, and trust the power of the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of the people we are trying to help.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Chicago Style Politics
Following reports that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has been orchestrating an effort to intimidate members of Congress and Governors who raise legitimate concerns regarding the effectiveness of the stimulus, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a letter to Emanuel saying “While this type of scare tactic may work In Chicago, it will not work to intimidate me or other Members of the United States Congress.” Read letter here.
Random Thoughts
These are some of the thoughts I took away from my devotions time this morning, they might seem like they are all over the place but I know that there is a reason for it.
Encouragement is extremely important for anyone pursuing spiritual growth and a vibrant relationship with God. We all need encouragement to face new and difficult tasks. As we seek to live as God says we will need the encouragement and support of others. our relationships with those who encourage us will help us preserve our spiritual gains.
Success: Worldly success is never the final measure. If we refuse to live according to God's plan, we will not be truly successful in God's eyes.
God's Will: We can never ignore God's will without suffering the consequences. As we discover God's will, we need to act on it, redirecting the course of our lives to align with His plan.
Fear: We have nothing to fear in this life if we put our complete trust in God as our guide, deliverer, and protector. If we continually seek God, we can be assured that when problems come, He will watch over us, make our way secure, and draw us even closer to himself.
Encouragement is extremely important for anyone pursuing spiritual growth and a vibrant relationship with God. We all need encouragement to face new and difficult tasks. As we seek to live as God says we will need the encouragement and support of others. our relationships with those who encourage us will help us preserve our spiritual gains.
Success: Worldly success is never the final measure. If we refuse to live according to God's plan, we will not be truly successful in God's eyes.
God's Will: We can never ignore God's will without suffering the consequences. As we discover God's will, we need to act on it, redirecting the course of our lives to align with His plan.
Fear: We have nothing to fear in this life if we put our complete trust in God as our guide, deliverer, and protector. If we continually seek God, we can be assured that when problems come, He will watch over us, make our way secure, and draw us even closer to himself.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The People are Fed Up
I got this article from the Family Research Council:
Being home is no picnic for the Democrats in charge, as one blogger makes abundantly clear in a home video taken during a recent townhall meeting on health care. In a packed gymnasium, Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Penn.) and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were booed so loudly that you can barely hear their answers to some basic questions. The comments that were audible only managed to cause more outrage.
One audience member asked how Americans can be confident in Congress to reform the health care system when members won't even read the legislation. Sebelius's response? "I'm not a member of Congress," which apparently absolves her from understanding the $1 trillion plan her Department will be tasked with implementing. That answer is still better than Sen. Specter's explanation, which was, "...[W]e have to make judgments very fast, and every bill is... understood by me before I vote." Sebelius tried to interrupt the hissing crowd but her defense of Senate Democrats was almost impossible to hear amid the jeering.
Of course, the mainstream press would have us believe through carefully choreographed broadcasts that Americans are perplexed but receptive to the White House plan. Producers have been wary to air anything but footage of the President in a controlled townhall environment, where he answers softball questions from a handpicked crowd. The media may show the grassroots as an agreeable bunch on the President's proposal, but as you'll see from the video on Panzramic, these public forums are turning into a public relations nightmare for the liberals in power.
In "Townhalls gone wild," Politico chronicles another side of the debate that includes "screaming constituents, protestors dragged out by the cops, [and, sad to say] congressmen fearful for their safety." More Democrats are canceling meetings, concerned about "angry, sign-carrying mobs" that greeted a long list of their colleagues including: Reps. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.), Thomas Perriello (D-Va.), Allen Boyd (D-Fla.), Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), and Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.). Bishop, who was escorted away by police after his meeting got out of hand, said, "I have no problem with someone disagreeing with positions I hold. But I also believe no one is served if you can't talk through your differences."
Unfortunately, Americans are talking. The leadership just refuses to listen. Until it does, House and Senate Democrats can expect a long, uncomfortable August where the temperatures outside are nothing compared to the heat they're feeling inside their District offices. FRC has posted a schedule of townhall meetings across the country and sample questions you can ask. Please make a point of going to the forums near you and share--in a respectable manner--your thoughts with your congressman. While you're at it, why not bring your video camera?
Being home is no picnic for the Democrats in charge, as one blogger makes abundantly clear in a home video taken during a recent townhall meeting on health care. In a packed gymnasium, Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Penn.) and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were booed so loudly that you can barely hear their answers to some basic questions. The comments that were audible only managed to cause more outrage.
One audience member asked how Americans can be confident in Congress to reform the health care system when members won't even read the legislation. Sebelius's response? "I'm not a member of Congress," which apparently absolves her from understanding the $1 trillion plan her Department will be tasked with implementing. That answer is still better than Sen. Specter's explanation, which was, "...[W]e have to make judgments very fast, and every bill is... understood by me before I vote." Sebelius tried to interrupt the hissing crowd but her defense of Senate Democrats was almost impossible to hear amid the jeering.
Of course, the mainstream press would have us believe through carefully choreographed broadcasts that Americans are perplexed but receptive to the White House plan. Producers have been wary to air anything but footage of the President in a controlled townhall environment, where he answers softball questions from a handpicked crowd. The media may show the grassroots as an agreeable bunch on the President's proposal, but as you'll see from the video on Panzramic, these public forums are turning into a public relations nightmare for the liberals in power.
In "Townhalls gone wild," Politico chronicles another side of the debate that includes "screaming constituents, protestors dragged out by the cops, [and, sad to say] congressmen fearful for their safety." More Democrats are canceling meetings, concerned about "angry, sign-carrying mobs" that greeted a long list of their colleagues including: Reps. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.), Thomas Perriello (D-Va.), Allen Boyd (D-Fla.), Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), and Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.). Bishop, who was escorted away by police after his meeting got out of hand, said, "I have no problem with someone disagreeing with positions I hold. But I also believe no one is served if you can't talk through your differences."
Unfortunately, Americans are talking. The leadership just refuses to listen. Until it does, House and Senate Democrats can expect a long, uncomfortable August where the temperatures outside are nothing compared to the heat they're feeling inside their District offices. FRC has posted a schedule of townhall meetings across the country and sample questions you can ask. Please make a point of going to the forums near you and share--in a respectable manner--your thoughts with your congressman. While you're at it, why not bring your video camera?
Only in a Free Country
Be Doers
In our Christian walk is not only good to read and learn the Bible, but once we have done that, we must do what the Bible says. God's words are available to everyone. Men and women can both learn, discern, grow, provoke, and encourage each other in what God has to say to us. We also need to understand that to be doers we need to set aside significant resources to devote to God and His kingdom. It will demand a great deal of commitment and sacrifice, but no matter what we give up,the gains will always be worth the cost.
As we become doers we need some definite standards of right and wrong. Without God's Word, such things become matters of individual opinion. That is why we see that today, whole systems of faith are based on opinions, they are founded on what people want to hear rather than what God has to say. Our path to being doers of the Word must follow the way God has set out for us in the Bible.
Hearing and learning God's Word is important, but we must act on what we hear. If we refuse to act, the hearing is all in vain. To be a doer, we too, must hear the Word of God and then act on it.
As we become doers we need some definite standards of right and wrong. Without God's Word, such things become matters of individual opinion. That is why we see that today, whole systems of faith are based on opinions, they are founded on what people want to hear rather than what God has to say. Our path to being doers of the Word must follow the way God has set out for us in the Bible.
Hearing and learning God's Word is important, but we must act on what we hear. If we refuse to act, the hearing is all in vain. To be a doer, we too, must hear the Word of God and then act on it.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
We are not All the Same
There have been times in my past when I was tempted to do things that were not necessarily wrong but that could have led me toward a fall. I knew that such activities were dangerous, but it was hard to turn away, especially since some of my friends were involved. But as I got closer to the Lord and studied His word I learned that when we feel something is wrong for us, it is wrong for us. It may not be wrong for someone else, but that is not our concern. We are responsible for our own lives. We must accept this responsibility, which includes keeping our own consciences clean. I also learned that we must not only avoid sin, but we also avoid the path that leads toward sin. And this is why is so important to have people to hold us accountable, because is in those instances that they can help by reminding us not to follow the paths that have led us to sin in the past.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Living to Please Others
In today's society, the concept of putting others ahead of us is foreign. Almost everything that we come in contact with tells us that we must do whatever it takes to please ourselves. Well that is not exactly what Jesus taught, He taught different, He told us that God wants us to show consideration for others. However, our spiritual pursuits should never cause us to be selfish. Rather true spiritual growth will be characterized by our willingness to take others into account and show care for them. Jesus who is our highest spiritual example, came to serve others, not himself. Therefore, we too, must learn to be patient with one another. This does not come naturally. In order to do it we must seek God and ask Him to help us develop the attitude of Jesus when dealing with others. This will motivate us to nurture our personal relationships, showing consideration and deference to others.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Does this Surprise Anyone?
Ex-Idol Contestant Says Show Is Rigged, some ousted season 8 American Idol top 36 semi-finalists including Felicia Barton, Kendall Beard, and Ju'Not Joyner participated in an online chat with the Idol website AI Now today. And during his frank online conversation with fans, Ju'Not came right out and said that the TV talent show is in fact rigged, and that its contracts are unfair to contestants. Full Story Here.
This is a New One
W.H. makes CEOs pay for lunch. Four of the most powerful business leaders in America arrived at the White House one day last month for lunch with President Barack Obama,but even for powerful CEOs, there’s no such thing as a free lunch: White House staffers collected credit card numbers for each executive and carefully billed them for the cost of the meal with the president. Read Full Story Here.
The Danger of Criticism
Criticism is something that lures and entices people, and can destroy relationships, and cause major problems in the church, we must be vigilant and take personal inventory of our lives and see if we fall pray to this. Today I took some interesting thoughts from my time with the Lord dealing with this same subject, I was reading from Romans chapter 14. This is what I took:
We may find it easy to judge and criticize others who are still struggling spiritually. We might even be tempted to show them how "strong" we are by participating in activities that would cause them to stumble, tempt them to sin, or even offend them. We must realize that even if we have progressed spiritually to the point that certain circumstances no longer trouble us, we still need to be sensitive to the fact that our friends may be led astray by our activities. I know that we might say that is a big responsibility, but is what Jesus expects of us. And our love for others should lead us to avoid activities that might lead to their downfall. I found that the more mature we are, the more responsible we will be to respond to others in a loving way.
At times we may be tempted to point out and criticize the failures of others instead of looking critically at our own lives. But let me remind you that it isn't our primary responsibility to "straighten" out other people's lives. Besides, the job of "straightening" out our own lives is more than enough to keep us busy. If we spend our time pointing the finger at others, we will never make progress ourselves.
We may find it easy to judge and criticize others who are still struggling spiritually. We might even be tempted to show them how "strong" we are by participating in activities that would cause them to stumble, tempt them to sin, or even offend them. We must realize that even if we have progressed spiritually to the point that certain circumstances no longer trouble us, we still need to be sensitive to the fact that our friends may be led astray by our activities. I know that we might say that is a big responsibility, but is what Jesus expects of us. And our love for others should lead us to avoid activities that might lead to their downfall. I found that the more mature we are, the more responsible we will be to respond to others in a loving way.
At times we may be tempted to point out and criticize the failures of others instead of looking critically at our own lives. But let me remind you that it isn't our primary responsibility to "straighten" out other people's lives. Besides, the job of "straightening" out our own lives is more than enough to keep us busy. If we spend our time pointing the finger at others, we will never make progress ourselves.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
They Don't Get It Do They?
Despite the questionable impact of the first stimulus package, there is actually discussion of a second stimulus package. So far, the states have spent roughly 10 percent of the $787 billion package, but it has yet to register on the "recovery" radar. In fact, the only thing that seems to have changed is the unemployment rate and not in the direction the President had hoped.
Given where the money's been directed, maybe none of us should be surprised. Mark Kelly of the Heritage Foundation did some digging on where the House Speaker funneled her District's dollars, and the list of projects is enough to send taxpayers through the roof. Let me put it this way: Nancy Pelosi is trying to stimulate a lot more than San Francisco's economy. While the average American is worried about losing his shirt, Congress is funding actors who aren't wearing any!
Here are some of the Speaker's pet project that are being funded with yours' and mine hard earned dollars:
According to Kelly, $50,000 was sent to an initiative called CounterPulse in San Francisco that just sponsored a "Perverts [Sleep Around]" event on July 25, urging people to "Join your fellow pervs for some explicit, twisted fun!"
A company called Jess Curtis/Gravity, Inc. will receive $25,000, presumably to help boost their Symmetry Project, which features nude couples in compromising positions.
Other programs are too crude and embarrassing to even mention. But shouldn't that say something to the third most powerful leader in America? If these projects are too obscene to talk about, what business does the U.S. government have funding them? This isn't just waste it's reckless, indecent garbage sponsored by Congress and paid for by you and me. If these are the priorities of America's new leadership, then we should definitely get a second opinion on their vision for an issue as significant as health care. For more on Pelosi's "waste" line, visit Mark's blog here.
Sources: FRC. Mark Kelly
Given where the money's been directed, maybe none of us should be surprised. Mark Kelly of the Heritage Foundation did some digging on where the House Speaker funneled her District's dollars, and the list of projects is enough to send taxpayers through the roof. Let me put it this way: Nancy Pelosi is trying to stimulate a lot more than San Francisco's economy. While the average American is worried about losing his shirt, Congress is funding actors who aren't wearing any!
Here are some of the Speaker's pet project that are being funded with yours' and mine hard earned dollars:
According to Kelly, $50,000 was sent to an initiative called CounterPulse in San Francisco that just sponsored a "Perverts [Sleep Around]" event on July 25, urging people to "Join your fellow pervs for some explicit, twisted fun!"
A company called Jess Curtis/Gravity, Inc. will receive $25,000, presumably to help boost their Symmetry Project, which features nude couples in compromising positions.
Other programs are too crude and embarrassing to even mention. But shouldn't that say something to the third most powerful leader in America? If these projects are too obscene to talk about, what business does the U.S. government have funding them? This isn't just waste it's reckless, indecent garbage sponsored by Congress and paid for by you and me. If these are the priorities of America's new leadership, then we should definitely get a second opinion on their vision for an issue as significant as health care. For more on Pelosi's "waste" line, visit Mark's blog here.
Sources: FRC. Mark Kelly
Respect for Authority
I posted before that in my opinion one of the reasons society is so messed up is because of the lack of accountability, no one wants to be held accountable for their actions. Well today I look at another reason I think is promoting the decline of society and that is the lack of respect for authority. Yet as I read my bible i see that God is very clear about this subject. this morning I was reading the 13 chapter of the book of Romans and there we see how God defines authority and what our duties are.
In this chapter, Paul is very clear in pointing out that government (authority) exists because God allows it to exist. Therefore, we are told to submit to the government as we would submit to God Himself. And we may wonder how God could want us to submit to authorities who do not always act with perfect justice. Well this too is addressed in the Bible, for example we see in the book of Acts 4:13-22 that there is a place for civil disobedience. Sometimes we need to resist evil, even if it is sanctioned by the governing authorities. But we must remember that we are called to support and obey authorities that seek to uphold justice. However, when governing authorities stand in direct contradiction to God's will, we need to seek the support of others and try to change the situation.
In this chapter, Paul is very clear in pointing out that government (authority) exists because God allows it to exist. Therefore, we are told to submit to the government as we would submit to God Himself. And we may wonder how God could want us to submit to authorities who do not always act with perfect justice. Well this too is addressed in the Bible, for example we see in the book of Acts 4:13-22 that there is a place for civil disobedience. Sometimes we need to resist evil, even if it is sanctioned by the governing authorities. But we must remember that we are called to support and obey authorities that seek to uphold justice. However, when governing authorities stand in direct contradiction to God's will, we need to seek the support of others and try to change the situation.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's my opinion that one of the main reasons why our society is so messed up is because no one wants to be held accountable for their actions. We see the perfect example in corporate America, we see how companies are run irresponsibly and when they get in trouble instead of accepting responsibility, what do they do? They run to the government and ask for a "bailout". And is not only businesses, we see it too in individuals. We see how people spend irresponsibly, and buy things they can't afford, creating great amounts of credit card debts, but when is time to pay, they try every available loophole to not pay. Well as I was doing my devotions this morning, I found that the Scriptures have a lot to say about accountability, here are some of my thoughts:
When we are ill-equipped or unprepared for a certain role in life, it is important that we find a godly mentor to give us direction and hold us accountable. All of us need the help of a godly mentor who knows what we are going through. We must avoid the tendency to "go it alone". We need to ask God to provide others who will hold us accountable, help us grow, and preserve our spiritual gains.
Procrastinating when God has shown us what He requires is a form of disobedience and a lack of accountability. plans to do God's will "tomorrow" should never be mistaken for obedience. If we know what God wants us to do, we need to get on with it.
So now we understand that we need to be accountable and that we need people around us that will help us in this endeavor, but we also need to be open for their help, why do I say this, because when we are confronted with our sin, it is tempting to deny its existence. But instead, we should admit it, repent of it, and seek God's forgiveness. Then we can redirect our course and praise God as He redeems our lives.
And finally let's remember that we all must take responsibility for our actions. While we may realize that some of what we suffer is a consequence of our parents mistakes, we must not use this as an excuse for our own failures or lack of accountability. We need to take responsibility for them. We also need to take responsibility for how we choose to deal with the suffering brought into our lives by others. We alone are accountable to God for our actions and reactions.
When we are ill-equipped or unprepared for a certain role in life, it is important that we find a godly mentor to give us direction and hold us accountable. All of us need the help of a godly mentor who knows what we are going through. We must avoid the tendency to "go it alone". We need to ask God to provide others who will hold us accountable, help us grow, and preserve our spiritual gains.
Procrastinating when God has shown us what He requires is a form of disobedience and a lack of accountability. plans to do God's will "tomorrow" should never be mistaken for obedience. If we know what God wants us to do, we need to get on with it.
So now we understand that we need to be accountable and that we need people around us that will help us in this endeavor, but we also need to be open for their help, why do I say this, because when we are confronted with our sin, it is tempting to deny its existence. But instead, we should admit it, repent of it, and seek God's forgiveness. Then we can redirect our course and praise God as He redeems our lives.
And finally let's remember that we all must take responsibility for our actions. While we may realize that some of what we suffer is a consequence of our parents mistakes, we must not use this as an excuse for our own failures or lack of accountability. We need to take responsibility for them. We also need to take responsibility for how we choose to deal with the suffering brought into our lives by others. We alone are accountable to God for our actions and reactions.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Some Thoughts for Tuesday
Here are some thoughts I took away from my devotions this morning:
Conflicts can help me pinpoint problems in my life. Once I see them, I should accept responsibility for them and ask God to help me redirect my course. There have been times in my life were I have rebelled against God and after those times I have realized that I need to repent and renew my commitment to Him. I have found that He is always willing to offer me a fresh start no matter how serious my failures have been.
Sometimes doing right requires careful planning. Even when I entrust my life to God, He expects me to take action.
As I face difficult circumstances, I can find encouragement in the fact that God is ultimately in control. If I entrust my life to Him, He will lead me through even the darkest situations.
Regardless of what my spiritual heritage has been, however, I must accept responsibility for my own life and for my relationship with God.
When I feel cut off from God, I may be tempted to doubt that He is able to rescue me. It is at such times that I must rely not on feelings but on facts. I must remember who God is and what He has done for me in the past.
Conflicts can help me pinpoint problems in my life. Once I see them, I should accept responsibility for them and ask God to help me redirect my course. There have been times in my life were I have rebelled against God and after those times I have realized that I need to repent and renew my commitment to Him. I have found that He is always willing to offer me a fresh start no matter how serious my failures have been.
Sometimes doing right requires careful planning. Even when I entrust my life to God, He expects me to take action.
As I face difficult circumstances, I can find encouragement in the fact that God is ultimately in control. If I entrust my life to Him, He will lead me through even the darkest situations.
Regardless of what my spiritual heritage has been, however, I must accept responsibility for my own life and for my relationship with God.
When I feel cut off from God, I may be tempted to doubt that He is able to rescue me. It is at such times that I must rely not on feelings but on facts. I must remember who God is and what He has done for me in the past.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Killing Cockroaches
During my vacation in the Bahamas last week, I had the chance to read the latest book from Tony Morgan, Killing Cockroaches. The book is a quick read (I read it in three days) with some pretty insightful information that have great application for leaders in the church and pretty much for anyone doing ministry. Here are some of the key thoughts that grabbed my attention and kept me thinking:
"It is God's church, so I am confident that his intentions will ultimately prevail".
"All leadership comes with responsibility. And even though it's God's church, I have a job to do".
"The only problem is that safety breeds contentment, which ultimately limits the need for faith. We have to find that place of healthy tension between being confident in our calling and knowing that we cannot complete the mission without God's intervention".
"Leaders must battle the status quo. We have to challenge the existing process and identify new methods for fulfilling our mission. Yes, the message is the same, but we live in an ever-changing world".
"At some point we'll all have to give an account for what we've done with our lives and for that which the Lord has given us".
"I've found that knowledge can get in the way. We can get consumed with knowledge. It can slow us down".
"You get to decide where your time goes. You can either spend it moving forward, or you can spend it putting out fires".
"But we learned long ago that to try to make everyone happy, you have to be comfortable with mediocrity".
"It's important that my kids have a great experience. If you can't convince me this will happen, I'm probably not going to risk visiting your service".
"If your church shut its doors today, would your community know it?".
"If you have to manufacture excitement, it's probably something you should stop doing".
This book has really had an impact on me and it has made me rethink about how to do ministry, there are a whole lot more thoughts I got from the book and I will post some more later. I do think that if you are doing ministry or are in any kind of leadership position this is a must read.
It's Better in the Bahamas!
I remember a few years back the Bahamian tourist people started a campaign to bring attention to their islands, and they made commercials that always had the phrase "It's Better in the Bahamas". Well this last week my family and I were blessed with the opportunity to find out if the phrase is true. Yes we spent a whole week in Freeport. We had been to the Bahamas before but i don't count those times because we were there on cruises and to me that is like the movie Vacation were they stopped at tourists spots for about ten seconds. Anyways, this time we really got to spend quality time on the island. I must say that we were not disappointed, we got to do a whole lot of relaxing and hanging out at the beach working on our tans. To me is very important to spend time with my family and I did just that.
During our stay we got to meet the locals and I must say that I found them to be friendly and courteous, wow what a difference from, oh never mind, I won't go there. We also got to do different things like para sailing, yeah my daughter and I did just that. I got to tell you that I don't much like heights but I felt that i needed to 'conquer" my fear, and besides my daughter kept pestering me about it. I must say that it was an awesome experience just to see the island from the air and feeling like you are flying, if you never done it, give it a try.
Getting ready to strap the chute.

Getting ready to take off.

Coming in for the landing.
A vacation is not complete unless you hit the local eateries, and we did just that, I got to say there were two things that I found delicious, one was the "Bahamian style" pizza and the other was the local dessert called guava duff. Man I could eat those two things all day long. All in all the week went by too fast, but I thank the Lord that I got to experience the Bahamas with those that are most important to me, my wife and daughter.
So over all I had an amazing week, awesome time with my wife and daughter. These are the things that matter, spending time with those you love. And is true It is Better in the Bahamas.
During our stay we got to meet the locals and I must say that I found them to be friendly and courteous, wow what a difference from, oh never mind, I won't go there. We also got to do different things like para sailing, yeah my daughter and I did just that. I got to tell you that I don't much like heights but I felt that i needed to 'conquer" my fear, and besides my daughter kept pestering me about it. I must say that it was an awesome experience just to see the island from the air and feeling like you are flying, if you never done it, give it a try.
Getting ready to strap the chute.
Getting ready to take off.
Coming in for the landing.
A vacation is not complete unless you hit the local eateries, and we did just that, I got to say there were two things that I found delicious, one was the "Bahamian style" pizza and the other was the local dessert called guava duff. Man I could eat those two things all day long. All in all the week went by too fast, but I thank the Lord that I got to experience the Bahamas with those that are most important to me, my wife and daughter.
So over all I had an amazing week, awesome time with my wife and daughter. These are the things that matter, spending time with those you love. And is true It is Better in the Bahamas.
Musings on a Monday
Well vacation is over and the new week has started. I had a great time but it's good to be back home. One of the things I really enjoyed on this vacation was the times of devotions I had, I really felt the Lord speaking to me. I really want to continue with that discipline and in doing so I will share what I feel the Lord is saying to me; so here are some thoughts on today's devotions:
As I reflect on my life, I must judge my past performance by God's standards of justice. I must also look honestly at my failures, and avoid the tendency to get defensive.
I have come to realize that if I'm fearless in my stand for truth and honesty, I will then build the foundation for true spiritual growth.
God is in charge of my world! He is master over all peoples and nations!
As I learn to believe in God's control even when things aren't going my way, I find that my life can still be serene in the midst of conflict. I can know that God desires what is best for me. Seeking His will and obeying His direction for my life is always best.
Tolerance may be a virtue, but endorsing sin never is, and the consequences of sin can last for generations.
If God is on my side, even the greatest of difficulties will not stand in the way of victory.
I have noticed that the most common command in all of Scripture is "Do not be afraid".
God shows me time and again that no matter how terrible the circumstances, He is able to give me victory, all I need to do is trust in Him.
I don't know about you, but is hard for me to give up control. I want to do things my way, and of course I want to take the credit for success. but that is exactly what God says not to do. He tells us to surrender all to Him. I need to learn to give my battles to Him. Whether I like it or not the truth is that I can't win them alone. But with God's help, I have found that no enemy is too large or terrible. I have found that if I'm willing to put my life in His hands, He will give me the victory.
As I honestly reflect on my spiritual condition, I come to realize that my strength comes from God as I seek Him through prayer and meditation on His Word.
As I reflect on my life, I must judge my past performance by God's standards of justice. I must also look honestly at my failures, and avoid the tendency to get defensive.
I have come to realize that if I'm fearless in my stand for truth and honesty, I will then build the foundation for true spiritual growth.
God is in charge of my world! He is master over all peoples and nations!
As I learn to believe in God's control even when things aren't going my way, I find that my life can still be serene in the midst of conflict. I can know that God desires what is best for me. Seeking His will and obeying His direction for my life is always best.
Tolerance may be a virtue, but endorsing sin never is, and the consequences of sin can last for generations.
If God is on my side, even the greatest of difficulties will not stand in the way of victory.
I have noticed that the most common command in all of Scripture is "Do not be afraid".
God shows me time and again that no matter how terrible the circumstances, He is able to give me victory, all I need to do is trust in Him.
I don't know about you, but is hard for me to give up control. I want to do things my way, and of course I want to take the credit for success. but that is exactly what God says not to do. He tells us to surrender all to Him. I need to learn to give my battles to Him. Whether I like it or not the truth is that I can't win them alone. But with God's help, I have found that no enemy is too large or terrible. I have found that if I'm willing to put my life in His hands, He will give me the victory.
As I honestly reflect on my spiritual condition, I come to realize that my strength comes from God as I seek Him through prayer and meditation on His Word.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Loving the Unloved
God specializes in loving those who are unlovely and undeserving. The fact is, not one of us deserves God's love, and those of us who think we deserve it are refusing to see the truth. God's love is bestowed on all who admit their need and respond to His love for them. Sometimes those who are despised by society are the first to admit their need for God. That is why such people often have the most dramatic stories of how God has transformed their lives. No one is innocent of wrongdoing; yet no sin is too great for God to forgive. Therefore, those who have admitted their failures are better off than "respectable" people who are refusing to see the truth about their need for God. Admitting that we have failed and need that we need God is essential. We must not allow pride and social standing to keep us from admitting our need for God at any point in our spiritual growth process.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Glorious Fourth
In a letter to his wife Abigail, John Adams told her of the actions of the Continental Congress on July 2, 1776. "The second day of July, 1776 [the actual day the Declaration was signed], will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of the continent to the other, from this time forward forever."
As we celebrate Independence Day, as John Adams so aptly predicted, we must not forget nor overlook the intense struggle our Founding Fathers faced. Their Christian faith played a critical role in an era that altered the history of the world.
There is not a better example of this seamless devotion to God and country than Samuel Adams. In his time, Sam was far more famous than his cousin, John. Sam was known as the last of the great Puritans and the father of the Revolution. It was Sam Adams who organized the Sons of Liberty and the Committees of Correspondence. (By the way, if you're going out to a Tea Party on Saturday, historians believe that the first tea party, the one in Boston, was organized by Samuel Adams. It was that Boston Tea Party that lit the fuse of the American Revolution).
When Sam Adams was elected to that First Continental Congress and traveled to the gathering of leaders in Philadelphia, he thought the Continental Congress needed to begin its work on its knees--in prayer. But when the motion was made to call in a local clergyman to lead the worship, John Jay of New York and Edward Rutledge of South Carolina objected. We are too diverse, they said. We could never agree on whose prayers to say.
Rising to his feet, Sam Adams spoke: "I am no bigot," he said, "I can hear the prayer of any man of piety and virtue who is a friend to his country." Deeply moved, the delegates voted to approve Sam Adams' idea. The next morning, amid reports of the British moving against the people of his hometown of Boston, Sam knelt in prayer with his fellow delegates, as the Rev. Jacob Duch? prayed. "Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me, and fight against them that fight against me."
That inspired move by Sam Adams did much to overcome suspicions among the delegates. Joseph Reed of Philadelphia called that prayer "a masterly stroke." Those Founding Fathers could now work together for liberty.
Soon, Sam Adams would sign the Declaration of Independence. Alongside Sam Adams' name you can find that of Charles Carroll, a delegate from Maryland. Carroll was the richest man in Congress and the only Roman Catholic. Nowhere else on earth in 1776 could you find an Evangelical like Sam Adams pledge "his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor" alongside a Catholic like Charles Carroll. They both risked death by hanging for signing that great Declaration. But they served the King of Kings and had no fear of King George III.
In our efforts to maintain the freedoms won by our forefathers we must be like them--people of action and prayer. We must never sever our personal faith from our public stand for faith, family and freedom.
Resources: FRC
Monday, June 22, 2009
I'm Back
I have been away from blogging for awhile, it's been kind of busy with school, work, and life in general but I'm back and will try to keep up.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
If You Are Stressing About the Swine Flu
Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild. In fact, the current outbreak of the H1N1 virus, which emerged in San Diego and southern Mexico late last month, may not even do as much damage as the run-of-the-mill flu outbreaks that occur each winter without much fanfare. Read It Here.
A RINO Goes Home
After more than four decades, Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Penn.) is officially going home. The once-GOP leader announced his re-affiliation with the Democratic Party yesterday after years of work as one of its greatest allies. Sen. Specter "moderate" agenda as a senator on life, spending, marriage, and judges often did more harm to the pro-family cause than good. When asked about the switch, the Pennsylvanian said frankly that he didn't believe he could win the Republican primary against a staunch conservative like Pat Toomey.
His departure officially puts the RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) on the endangered list. One of the few liberal senators left in the GOP, Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), lamented Specter's passage in a New York Times editorial. "... It was when we began to emphasize social issues to the detriment of some of our basic tenets as a party that we encountered an electoral backlash." She aggressively tried to make this case to her colleagues yesterday as Republican senators met to discuss Specter's departure.
Of course, the fundamental problem with Snowe's theory is that in the last eight years, the GOP's emphasis on social issues has been as absent as its fiscal discipline. And that, not Snowe's "shrinking ideological confines," is what has banished Republicans to the political wilderness. Moderates like Specter and Snowe voted for the stimulus, the bailouts, legislation that takes innocent human life, and bills that harness free speech. With a track record like that, what exactly is the difference between the two parties if social issues don't distinguish them?
Source: FRC
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Mutiny Within the GOP
In GOP base, a 'rebellion brewing'. A quick tour through the week’s headlines suggests the Republican Party is beginning to come to terms with the last election and that consensus is emerging among GOP elites that the party needs to move away from discordant social issues. Read It Here.
More Heat on Pelosi
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is upping the ante on Speaker Nancy Pelosi — asking the Obama administration to release CIA notes taken during a 2002 briefing session with Pelosi and other Congressional leaders. Read It Here.
The Irony of Hypocrisy
Pelosi now playing defense on torture. Many Republicans,led by former CIA chief Porter Goss, are accusing Democrats like Pelosi of “amnesia” for demanding investigations in 2009 after failing to raise objections seven years ago when she first learned of the legal basis for the program. Read It Here.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Will He Or Won’t He?
The President Gets More Pressure On The Interrogation/Torture Question. It's All Here.
What Did Nancy Pelosi NOT Know, And When Did She Not Know It?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pushing back on GOP charges that she knew about waterboarding for years and did nothing. Read It Here.
Hate Crime Legislation
It wasn't the Fourth of July, but there were plenty of fireworks on Capitol Hill yesterday in two different House committees. After much anticipation, the Judiciary Committee wasted no time getting to work on "hate crimes" legislation. Under the new bill, people who commit certain crimes would face a stiffer punishment for any prejudice they might have toward homosexual and transgender victims. In essence, it singles out some Americans for "extra protection" under the law based upon their sexual behavior.
By late Wednesday, the Democratic majority had faced so much opposition from Republicans on H.R. 1913 that the hearing was discontinued. The debate was reignited, thanks to the stack of amendments offered by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). Each one highlighted the absurdity of the bill by asking Democrats to extend the same unique status to the elderly, the military, pregnant women, and the unborn. Every Democrat who was present at the hearing voted against adding these groups as a "protected class."
Although no official timetable has been set, the "hate crimes" bill could hit the House floor in the next few weeks. If this bill becomes law it would bring in censoring in the Christian arena as far as bible teachings having to do with homosexuality and such.
Source: FRC
By late Wednesday, the Democratic majority had faced so much opposition from Republicans on H.R. 1913 that the hearing was discontinued. The debate was reignited, thanks to the stack of amendments offered by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). Each one highlighted the absurdity of the bill by asking Democrats to extend the same unique status to the elderly, the military, pregnant women, and the unborn. Every Democrat who was present at the hearing voted against adding these groups as a "protected class."
Although no official timetable has been set, the "hate crimes" bill could hit the House floor in the next few weeks. If this bill becomes law it would bring in censoring in the Christian arena as far as bible teachings having to do with homosexuality and such.
Source: FRC
On The Absurd Front
It seems the Obama administration will give in to a U.S. District Court ruling as an excuse to allow 17-year-olds to buy the morning-after pill without a prescription or their parents' consent. An official with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told reporters that an announcement on the subject was forthcoming but that the decision had been made to overturn the current policy, which dates back to the Bush administration.
Judge Edward Korman ordered FDA officials to make Plan B available over-the-counter to minors as young as 17. The Obama administration has decided to roll over and accept the court decision without a single appeal. Essentially, the President is allowing a lone federal district judge to make a scientific decision that affects the health and safety of women across America. For the young administration, it shows an incredible disinclination to fight for good policy. Considering the risks that Plan B poses to women and its unproven track record after repeated use, there seems to be no rational basis for the President's decision, except political ideology. So let me see, 17 year old girls can't buy cigarettes and they can't buy alcoholic beverages or go in to bars, but they can buy this pill and not tell their parents. How does that make sense?
Judge Edward Korman ordered FDA officials to make Plan B available over-the-counter to minors as young as 17. The Obama administration has decided to roll over and accept the court decision without a single appeal. Essentially, the President is allowing a lone federal district judge to make a scientific decision that affects the health and safety of women across America. For the young administration, it shows an incredible disinclination to fight for good policy. Considering the risks that Plan B poses to women and its unproven track record after repeated use, there seems to be no rational basis for the President's decision, except political ideology. So let me see, 17 year old girls can't buy cigarettes and they can't buy alcoholic beverages or go in to bars, but they can buy this pill and not tell their parents. How does that make sense?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
McCain may Face Serious Challenge
John McCain is out of touch with everyday Arizonans. Enough is enough. So says Chris Simcox, the founder of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, he will be announcing his intentions to run against Senator McCain in the 2010 senate primary. Read Story Here.
Monday, April 20, 2009
History Repeats Itself!
This is a cartoon that appeared in an issue of the Chicago Tribune in 1934. Can you see any similarities in what is going on today?
I Guess the Bailout Didn't Work!
About 1,600 white-collar workers at General Motors Corp. will lose their jobs in the next few days as the troubled automaker accelerates cost cuts in order to qualify for more government aid. Read It Here.
Iran's Number 1 Nut Job!!!
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused Israel of being the "most cruel and racist regime," sparking a walkout Monday by angry Western diplomats at a U.N. racism conference. Read Story Here.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Another Slam on Obama Part II
Nevada Republican Sen. John Ensign called President Obama “irresponsible” for the way in which he engaged Venezuela President Hugo Chavez during the Summit of the Americas. Read Story Here.
Another Slam on Obama
A former CIA boss says that president Obama is compromising national security by releasing memos outlining terror interrogation methods. Read Story Here.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Real Love!
We know what real love is because Christ gave up his life for us. (1 John 3:16 ).
If you want to know the depth of people’s love, just look at how much they are willing to sacrifice for you. If you wonder what people think of you, look at what they’re willing to do for you. When people are willing to pay the ultimate price, you no longer have to wonder if their love is genuine.
You and I may never be called on to give up our life for someone we love. But people will know just the same, because how we live says as much about us as how we’re willing to die.
If you want to know the depth of people’s love, just look at how much they are willing to sacrifice for you. If you wonder what people think of you, look at what they’re willing to do for you. When people are willing to pay the ultimate price, you no longer have to wonder if their love is genuine.
You and I may never be called on to give up our life for someone we love. But people will know just the same, because how we live says as much about us as how we’re willing to die.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Obama's Newest Pal
The following two quotes are from Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, it says how he feels about the U.S. “The United States empire is on its way down and it will be finished in the near future, inshallah," Chavez told reporters, ending the statement with the Arabic phrase for "God willing." "The devil came here yesterday."
And that is why it perturbs me to see our current president smooching with him during the Summit of the Americas. Read Story Here.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!
The Glory of the Resurrection lives on. The tomb where they laid His body is empty. The stone has been rolled away. The Son of Man has ascended and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. This we know. This we believe. It is to this great truth that we bear witness.
I pray that you and your family will be especially blessed this resurrection Sunday. And I say: He is Risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday. How can the worst day in human history be described as good? This is the day that Our Lord was crucified. It is the day he hung on the cross for all our sins. It is the day of darkness at noon.
The story of the last days of Jesus' ministry should be familiar to all. Knowing he would be killed, our Lord entered Jerusalem on the back of a colt. He was hailed by the multitudes, who lay their cloaks in his path, who spread palm fronds before him. "Hosanna to the Son of David," they cried. How quickly that would all change.
When Jesus was betrayed by a kiss, violent men took hold of him. He would not allow his disciples to respond in kind. Taken before the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, Jesus said "I have come to bear witness to the truth."
Pontius Pilate answered: "What is truth?" How many governors to this day, rulers of the earth, ask that same question? They act as if truth is all relative, a matter of perspective, if it exists at all.
Jesus feared not. When Pilate told him he had the authority to put him to death, Jesus answered. "You have no authority except that it is given to you from above."
Surely, this was the greatest political statement in history. All authority exercised by the rulers of this world comes from above. And they are responsible to God in heaven for their exercise of it, whether they know it or not. Nothing that happens on Capitol Hill is as important as what happened two thousand years ago on that hill of Calvary.
We hear much of death with dignity these days. Our Lord's death was anything but dignified. He was beaten, mocked, spat upon. They stuck out their lips as they cursed him. When he cried out in thirst, they gave him only vinegar on a sponge. Roman soldiers cast lots they actually gambled for his garments.
I hear that some people today prefer not to be called Christians. They tell reporters that this word has too much "baggage." Imagine the baggage the weight of all the sins of the world that Jesus carried along with that rugged cross.
We strive, knowing we are unworthy, but we strive nonetheless to be His followers. Being called Christian is our greatest hope. Being despised for His sake is our greatest honor.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Quote of the Day!!!
"I only wish, while I am a servant of the public, to know the will of my masters, that I may govern myself accordingly."
- George Washington, 1793
- George Washington, 1793
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Our Defense Secretary is Really Defending Us (Not)
Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Monday proposed killing weapons programs that are over budget, behind schedule and out-of-date, urging Congress to rise above parochial interests to support his plan. Read Story Here.
More Pistachios Are Recalled
Setton Pistachio expanded its voluntary recall of pistachios to include all roasted shell pistachios and in-shell pistachios due to possible salmonella contamination, the Terra Bella, California, company said on Monday. Read Story Here.
Illegals Could Be Counted In The Upcoming Census
U.S. Rep. William Clay, D-Mo., who chairs a House oversight subcommittee on the Census, said he plans to ask the Obama administration to suspend immigration raids over the next year. Is this guy for real? Read Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
- John Adams
- John Adams
Monday, April 6, 2009
New York Governor Being Told to Shape Up
Top New York Democrats have privately set a deadline of early November for Gov. Paterson to turn his poll numbers around or they'll urge him not to run next year.Read story Here.
Earthquake Hits Italy (Updated)
An Italian scientist predicted a major earthquake around L'Aquila weeks before disaster struck the city on Monday, killing dozens of people, but was reported to authorities for spreading panic among the population. Is there a cover up in the making? Read Story Here.
Earthquake Hits Italy
My prayers and thoughts are with the people of Italy as they are dealing with the aftermath of a pretty intense earthquake. The powerful earthquake in mountainous central Italy knocked down whole blocks of buildings early Monday as residents slept, killing more than 92 people and trapping many more. Read Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world."
- George Washington, From his Farewell
Address to the People of the
United States
- George Washington, From his Farewell
Address to the People of the
United States
Fritz Henderson, GM’s new president and CEO, said for the first time Sunday that the automaker is planning for the possibility of restructuring within bankruptcy, although he said he still hoped to avoid that public-relations nightmare. Story Here.
Geithner to Fire More CEOs
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said he’s prepared to oust the senior management and boards of directors at banks that require “exceptional” assistance (whatever that means, and who defines exceptional) from the U.S. government. Story Here.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
More Double Standards!
White House Staffers Make Millions from TARP Firms. Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
"Each generation should be made to bear the burden of its own wars, instead of carrying them on, at the expense of other generations."
-James Madison
-James Madison
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Quote of the Day!!!
"The name of AMERICAN, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discrimination."
-George Washington
-George Washington
Is Anyone Outraged About These Bonuses?
In a compensation program that has drawn angry protests from lawmakers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac expect to pay about $210 million in retention bonuses to 7,600 employees over 18 months, according to a letter from the mortgage companies' regulator. I think that's more than the AIG bonuses. I wonder if ACORN will be conducting bus tours of these people's homes???
It's A Tea Party!!!
It seems almost daily that the federal government launches yet another massive spending initiative. While it may be lost upon Washington bureaucrats that money for these projects doesn't just materialize from thin air, we Americans who have families, mortgages, car payments, tuition, and other expenses know differently. The money that Congress and the President seem to wield so nonchalantly comes from our pockets, our dreams, and our families.
The American Family Association, along with other groups, are helping to organize thousands of "TEA" (Taxed Enough Already) Parties across the country. I encourage you to visit the TEAPartyDay.com website and join the rallies happening in your area.
In a country such as ours where government, as described by Abraham Lincoln, is "of the people, by the people, for the people," we the people need to stand together to remind our officials not to use our families' hard-earned dollars so recklessly.
Visit TmeaParty.co and Join Other Families in Your Community to Rally Against Reckless Government Spending.
Source: AFA, TeaParty.com
The American Family Association, along with other groups, are helping to organize thousands of "TEA" (Taxed Enough Already) Parties across the country. I encourage you to visit the TEAPartyDay.com website and join the rallies happening in your area.
In a country such as ours where government, as described by Abraham Lincoln, is "of the people, by the people, for the people," we the people need to stand together to remind our officials not to use our families' hard-earned dollars so recklessly.
Visit TmeaParty.co and Join Other Families in Your Community to Rally Against Reckless Government Spending.
Source: AFA, TeaParty.com
Friday, April 3, 2009
Another Tax Cheat?
No, it's not an elaborate April Fools' joke. But it seems to be a prerequisite to be in President Obama's cabinet. Unfortunately for taxpayers, the revelation that Gov. Kathleen Sebelius owes back taxes is just another day in the Obama administration. News leaked that Sebelius like her nominated predecessor Tom Daschle is at least the sixth candidate in this administration (and potentially the third member of the President's Cabinet) who didn't pay their taxes.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner ($35,000), Labor Secretary Hilda Solis ($6,400), and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk ($10,100) were all confirmed despite short-changing Uncle Sam. For Sebelius, whose radical policy record is already cause for concern, this news should give the Senate even greater pause when considering her nomination. In a letter to the Senate Finance Committee explaining her predicament, Sebelius says that the $7,000 in back taxes were "unintentional errors." Errors, unfortunately, which are becoming commonplace among this administration's high-ranking officials. It is ironic that while Gov. Sebelius didn't want to pay her taxes, she apparently has no hesitations about forcing taxpayers to fund a radical pro-abortion agenda as head of HHS. Before this week, the Senate had plenty of reasons to oppose Gov. Sebelius for her extreme anti-family views, but failing to pay her taxes while she spends ours to advance her liberal agenda should not be overlooked. The Kansas governor should do the honorable thing and withdraw her name from consideration. If she doesn't, the only April fools will be the senators who vote for her confirmation. I wonder what would happen to us if we didn't pay our taxes???
Source: FRC, Chicago Tribune
U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner ($35,000), Labor Secretary Hilda Solis ($6,400), and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk ($10,100) were all confirmed despite short-changing Uncle Sam. For Sebelius, whose radical policy record is already cause for concern, this news should give the Senate even greater pause when considering her nomination. In a letter to the Senate Finance Committee explaining her predicament, Sebelius says that the $7,000 in back taxes were "unintentional errors." Errors, unfortunately, which are becoming commonplace among this administration's high-ranking officials. It is ironic that while Gov. Sebelius didn't want to pay her taxes, she apparently has no hesitations about forcing taxpayers to fund a radical pro-abortion agenda as head of HHS. Before this week, the Senate had plenty of reasons to oppose Gov. Sebelius for her extreme anti-family views, but failing to pay her taxes while she spends ours to advance her liberal agenda should not be overlooked. The Kansas governor should do the honorable thing and withdraw her name from consideration. If she doesn't, the only April fools will be the senators who vote for her confirmation. I wonder what would happen to us if we didn't pay our taxes???
Source: FRC, Chicago Tribune
Quote of the Day!!!
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Quote of the Day!!!
"Treat your wife always with respect; it will procure respect to you, not from her only, but from all that observe it."
-Benjamin Franklin- 1768
-Benjamin Franklin- 1768
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Kudos for Ms. Harmon
Angie Harmon is not afraid to come out and say she doesn’t like how President Obama is handling the job — but she’s sick of having to defend herself from being deemed a racist. Read Story Here.
A Scary Though
Starting today, the United States government will stand behind your warrantee'...Read Story Here.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Here Comes The Fall Guy!
GM Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner will step down immediately at the request of the White House, administration officials said Sunday. The news comes as President Obama prepares to unveil additional restructuring efforts designed to save the domestic auto industry. Read Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
-Thomas Jefferson 1800
-Thomas Jefferson 1800
Saturday, March 28, 2009
What Happened to Bringing Them Home???
Obama is sending additional troops to Afghanistan and there is no timetable for withdrawal, and the White House said it had no estimate yet on how many billions of dollars its plan will cost. Wasn't Bush criticized by Obama for the same thing? Hum smells like hypocrisy to me. Read Story Here.
One World Trade Center
Freedom is so passe at Ground Zero. The New York Port Authority Drops The Name FREEDOM TOWER, instead, the new building will be called “One World Trade Center” Read Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.
-John Adams
-John Adams
Friday, March 27, 2009
This Makes My Blood Boil!
Being a retired law enforcement officer myself, this really made me mad. California protest follows the killing police officers. Here’s the sick part of this, the protest was in support of the COP KILLER. Read Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
It is our duty to make the best of our misfortunes, and not to suffer passion to interfere with our interest and the public good.
-George Washington 1778
-George Washington 1778
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Update on North Korea
Navy Warships Have Been Sent To Monitor North Korea’s Missile Launch. The US has deployed two warships with anti-missile capabilities in the waters off Japan as tensions mount over North Korea's plans to test-fire a long-range ballistic missile capable of striking Alaska. Read Story Here.
Are These Guys For Real?
This country is in The Worst Financial Crisis In History and what is the senate doing? Working on College Football and a playoff system, are you kidding me? I mean I'm a college football fan and I hate the system the way it is now, but for the senate to be wasting their time on this is totally ridiculous. Read Story Here.
Catch Them Doing Good
Here are some positive news from the states to help balance the discouraging stories of these past few months:
Montana: The Senate has passed a bill that protects all persons' rights; "person means a human being at all stages of human development of life, including the state of fertilization or conception, regardless of age, health, level of functioning, or condition of dependency."
Oklahoma: The House passed a bill that would make it illegal to conduct research that would harm or kill an unborn child, including embryonic stem-cell research. House legislators also passed a bill granting more than $1 million to adult stem cell research.
Indiana: After ADF filed a suit in court, the state Bureau of Motor Vehicles decided to reverse a ban on religious messages on personalized license plates.
Mississippi: The House passed a bill that prohibits the University of Mississippi from using state money for research that destroys human embryos.
Texas: The legislature is considering a bill that would coordinate and regulate adult stem cell research. It would also seek funding and direct grants to institutions around the state doing adult stem cell research, including the allocation of about $5 million a year to this ethical alternative.
Montana: The Senate has passed a bill that protects all persons' rights; "person means a human being at all stages of human development of life, including the state of fertilization or conception, regardless of age, health, level of functioning, or condition of dependency."
Oklahoma: The House passed a bill that would make it illegal to conduct research that would harm or kill an unborn child, including embryonic stem-cell research. House legislators also passed a bill granting more than $1 million to adult stem cell research.
Indiana: After ADF filed a suit in court, the state Bureau of Motor Vehicles decided to reverse a ban on religious messages on personalized license plates.
Mississippi: The House passed a bill that prohibits the University of Mississippi from using state money for research that destroys human embryos.
Texas: The legislature is considering a bill that would coordinate and regulate adult stem cell research. It would also seek funding and direct grants to institutions around the state doing adult stem cell research, including the allocation of about $5 million a year to this ethical alternative.
Rumblings from North Korea
North Korea is back in the news. There’s a rocket on the launching pad…two American Journalists still being held captive. Is anyone from the State Department talking to North Korea? Read Story Here.
What's Harry up to Now?
Harry Reid Says He Wants To “Fast Track” President Obama’s Health Care Initiative. In an effort to block a rumored filibuster from the GOP, the Senate Majority Leader is threatening to use a procedural maneuver to avoid any debate or resistance. Read Story Here.
Is a Global Currency Coming?
President Obama rejected it, but his treasury secretary, Tim Geithner is open to what the Chinese Central Bank is proposing. Read Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government.
-Thomas Jefferson 1789
-Thomas Jefferson 1789
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Quote of the Day!!!
Happiness depends more on the internal frame of a person's mind than on the externals in the world.
-George Washington, 1787
-George Washington, 1787
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Weird News of the Day
Martial Law Considered In Upstate New York Town. After a number of scandals have sent Schenectady officials scrambling to clean up the police department, there are now a number of options being discussed. They include disbanding the department, restarting with a new county-wide police force, or even bringing in the National Guard. Read Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
The great principles of right and wrong are legible to every reader; to persue them requires not the aid of many counselors.
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson
Can You Say Socialism?
The Obama administration is considering asking Congress to give the Treasury secretary unprecedented powers to initiate the seizure of non-bank financial companies, such as large insurers, investment firms and hedge funds, whose collapse would damage the broader economy, according to an administration document. Read Story Here.
Disposable Car?
Are you ready for a DISPOSABLE car?
The Tata Nano a $2000 car is about to hit the streets in India. If India can make a car that sells for $2000, why can’t Detroit? Read Story Here.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Quote of the Day!!!
Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.
- George Washington
- George Washington
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Quote of the Day!!!
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.
- John Adams
- John Adams
Saturday, March 14, 2009
My Way or the Highway!
President Obama may believe in health care for all, but he certainly doesn't support the freedom of all who provide it. Continuing its pattern of selective tolerance, the White House launched its first attack on the conscience protections that President Bush finalized before leaving office. Although the process to rescind the rules has just begun, the President has made no secret of his intent to strong-arm the medical field into a state of blind submission on issues like abortion. Under the rules issued by the Bush administration last year, health care employees have enjoyed stronger protections from these controversial practices that violate their personal or religious beliefs.
On March !0, a coalition of 36 U.S. senators expressed their "grave concern" about the administration's decision to coerce doctors, nurses, and pharmacists to provide "care" against their will. In the letter to President Obama, these senators agreed, "This regulation is not about whether or not abortion should or should not be allowed in America. This regulation is about whether we will respect the deeply held moral convictions of those who have dedicated their lives to protecting the life and health of others... To compromise their right to practice [reduces]... medical professionals to mere vending machines..."
As the senators point out, nothing in these regulations bars a patient from finding a doctor or pharmacist who shares their beliefs. The President, a constitutional law expert, ought to know that the mild inconvenience of finding a new doctor or pharmacist doesn't trump a caregiver's basic freedoms. Infringing on employees' rights may help advance political correctness, but it's certainly not compatible with the President's agenda which, I would remind him, includes a call to end workplace discrimination. These rules are pro-child, pro-woman, and pro-liberty. I applaud these 36 senators for asking President Obama to reinstate them. In the abortion debate, we cannot allow safety and ethics to take a backseat to politics.
Source:Kitchen Table Blog, FRC
Kudos to the OC
In Orange County, California, the only thing local leaders favor aborting is Planned Parenthood's current government contract. On March 11, behind a swell of area support, county supervisors voted unanimously to void the abortion merchant's $292,000 deal. Although the contracts were approved last year as part of a community health initiative, the county board only learned of Planned Parenthood's involvement after members voted in favor of it. According to various reports, none of the clinics receiving taxpayer money was named on the report that supervisors saw before voting.
A handful of concerned citizens, who were inspired by the undercover videos of UCLA student Lila Rose, followed the money trail directly to Planned Parenthood's door. Orange County bureaucrats had apparently buried the contract details in hopes of avoiding the controversy they now find themselves in.
Although the local clinics said the county's money wasn't funding abortion, Supervisor John Moorlach said, "Not to generalize, but when you contract a law firm that specializes in bankruptcies, they most likely will advise you to file for bankruptcy. If you go to Planned Parenthood, they are most likely to recommend their specialized surgical solution, which they provide and are compensated for, which appears to be a conflict of interest."
He called for a rare re-vote on the contracts, and it's encouraging to know that every commissioner in Orange County objected to the funding. Unfortunately, backdoor political deals like the one Orange County just overturned aren't unique to California.
Source: FRC
Buckling Under Pressure?
Five weeks into his tenure as Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman, Michael Steele finds himself in the familiar position of damage control. This time Steele is in hot water over comments he made to GQ magazine about abortion and same-sex "marriage."
Columnist Lisa DePaulo asked if he believed that women have the right to choose abortion. "Yeah. Absolutely," Michael replied. "Are you saying you don't want to overturn Roe v. Wade?" DePaulo pressed. "The states should make that choice," Steele responded. "That's what choice is. The individual choice rests with the states."
His comments were cavalier and flippant particularly as they relate to fundamental policy issues on which Republicans have staked out clear positions in their platform. Steele did release a statement clarifying his comments, but he didn't address his other troubling comments on same-sex "marriage."
Mr. Steele's comments only serve to reinforce the belief by many social conservatives that one major party (Democrats) is unfriendly to their values while the other (Republicans) gives only lip service to core moral issues. If such a visible Republican leader continues in this same vein, I'm sure many more will drop their affiliation with the GOP. The prospects of more social conservatives leaving may excite the "big tenters," but that will only last until they discover the Big Tent is empty.
Source: GQ Magazine, FRC
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Economic Meltdown???
Did you know that, just since Barack Obama was elected, Americans have lost some $3 trillion in wealth, reports Investors' Business Daily, as the markets have plummeted some 30%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, for example, has collapsed from 9,625.28 on November 4, 2008 to 6,647.49 on March 4, 2009.
Naming Names!!!
Yesterday, while debating the Omnibus spending bill, the U.S. Senate took up Senator Roger Wicker's (R-Miss.) amendment to preserve what has become fairly commonplace in federal budgeting, the prohibition of U.S. taxpayer money being used through the United Nations to underwrite China's one-child policy in which women are coerced into having abortions and are forcibly sterilized. Unfortunately, the Senate defeated this amendment by a vote of 55-39, with three Democrats, Senators Robert Casey (Penn.), Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), and Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) supporting the pro-life amendment. The Omnibus is frozen in the Senate right now due to fiscal considerations coming from a surprising corner the Democrats' side.
These are the Democrat Senators who took a stance in supporting American taxpayers: Senators Evan Bayh (Ind.), Russ Feingold (Wis.), Ben Nelson (Neb.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Mark Begich (Alaska), Mark Warner (Va.), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), Bob Casey (Penn.), Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), and Joe Lieberman (Conn.)
Pro-Life=Terrorist? So Says Chris Matthews
On Tuesday, March 3, MSNBC host Chris Matthews called pro-life groups and individuals "terrorists" because they oppose the Kathleen Sebelius nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Is it Mr. Matthews' opinion that pro-lifers are terrorists because they oppose a nominee with views that are diametrically opposed to most of America? A nominee so radical it is difficult impossible to find an instance when she stood up as an elected official in support of life.
Does Mr. Matthews want pro-life groups to remain silent on a nominee who voted to weaken and eliminate measures like parental notification and waiting periods? A nominee who directed funds away from programs that support women and towards abortionists like Planned Parenthood.
Mr. Matthews should know better.
We have every right as citizens to object to a nominee who as governor hosted a private reception at the governor's mansion for the notorious late term abortionist George Tiller and his staff, and worked hard to block criminal charges against Tiller.
It is our duty to educate our fellow citizens about a nominee for an influential cabinet position whose views on abortion and health care reform are radically outside the mainstream.
Is it Mr. Matthews' opinion that pro-lifers are terrorists because they oppose a nominee with views that are diametrically opposed to most of America? A nominee so radical it is difficult impossible to find an instance when she stood up as an elected official in support of life.
Does Mr. Matthews want pro-life groups to remain silent on a nominee who voted to weaken and eliminate measures like parental notification and waiting periods? A nominee who directed funds away from programs that support women and towards abortionists like Planned Parenthood.
Mr. Matthews should know better.
We have every right as citizens to object to a nominee who as governor hosted a private reception at the governor's mansion for the notorious late term abortionist George Tiller and his staff, and worked hard to block criminal charges against Tiller.
It is our duty to educate our fellow citizens about a nominee for an influential cabinet position whose views on abortion and health care reform are radically outside the mainstream.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Dissention in the Ranks?
Not everyone in Obama's party is going merrily along with the new President's power surge. Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.V.), the longest-serving senator in U.S. history, is openly criticizing Obama's growing circle of policy "czars." Senator Byrd has taken his leader to task for trying to bypass the system and empower a group of unelected and unaccountable advisors. In a letter he wrote to President Obama, excerpts of which were reprinted on Politico.com, he accuses the administration of an executive branch "power grab." This hierarchy "can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances," Byrd wrote.
"At the worst, White House staff have taken direction and control of programmatic areas that are the statutory responsibility of Senate-confirmed officials... As presidential assistants and advisers, these White House staffers are not accountable for their actions to the Congress, to cabinet officials, and to virtually anyone but the president," he argued. "They rarely testify before congressional committees, and often shield the information and decision-making process behind the assertion of executive privilege. In too many instances, White House staff have been allowed to inhibit openness and transparency, and reduce accountability."
Source: FRC
"At the worst, White House staff have taken direction and control of programmatic areas that are the statutory responsibility of Senate-confirmed officials... As presidential assistants and advisers, these White House staffers are not accountable for their actions to the Congress, to cabinet officials, and to virtually anyone but the president," he argued. "They rarely testify before congressional committees, and often shield the information and decision-making process behind the assertion of executive privilege. In too many instances, White House staff have been allowed to inhibit openness and transparency, and reduce accountability."
Source: FRC
Monday, January 26, 2009
Exactly what kind of stimulus did Speaker Nancy Pelosi have in mind? That's a question more Americans are asking now that details are trickling in about the controversial $825 billion "economic recovery" package. As it stands, more than 10 percent of the proposal $87 billion would allow states to expand their "family planning" services through Medicaid. The country's recession is crippling families, and the Democrats' solution is spending billions of dollars on contraception? On yesterday's "This Week" program on ABC, George Stephanopoulos pressed Speaker Pelosi for an explanation.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?
PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost... The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health... [is] to help the states meet their financial needs... [O]ne of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?
PELOSI: No apologies. No. We have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.
In other words, children are a burden to the economy, and Pelosi believes it's the government's responsibility to eliminate them. More than anything, her comments underscore the shortsightedness of these liberal policies. All reports indicate that the global family is on the decline. Although America's birth rate isn't plunging like that of European countries, it has slowed. The reason we don't find ourselves in a "demographic winter" is largely because of the fertility rates of our immigrants, many of whom come from cultures that value life. Overall, the U.S. is hovering at its replacement level, which is hardly enough to finance the Baby Boomers' retirement. If Pelosi and her Congress continue to deemphasize the family, America will travel even farther down the deadly path of our European friends.
In the meantime, Congress continues to spend outside of its means, proving that the nation will need more children not less to help pay the bills for Social Security, Medicaid, and other government entitlements that Democrats hope to expand. Obviously, there's a practical danger in suggesting that babies are problems or "punishments" (as President Obama called them) instead of blessings that build bridges to the future.
Source: FRC, ABC
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A Man of Faith
I am a sports fan, and a fan of men of character. Tony Dungy, coach of the Indianapolis Colts, has been that for me and for countless Americans who admire him not just for his victories on the field but in life. Living in the public eye isn't always easy, but coach Dungy has inspired millions through his response to personal tragedy and professional success alike. A role model first and coach second, Dungy will have a legacy of service that outlasts any football record or championship. For seven years in Indiana, he used his celebrity platform to promote adoption, prison ministry, family values, outreach to the poor, and simple Christian decency.
As his own pastor said, Dungy came to Indianapolis with the understanding that "faith would come before football" and he managed to exceed expectations in both. In his retirement, coach Dungy said, "I remember... saying that our goal was to win... but that we needed to win the right way, we needed to win with the right kind of players that... our young men and women in this community could look up to and say, 'I want to be like him, or him, or him.'"
As Coach Dungy leaves a league that he made better simply for being in it, I thank him for his impact. May this new chapter for the Dungy family be the start of something even greater for the Kingdom he has so admirably served.
Source: FRC
Ignorance is not an Excuse
"I should have been more careful." In his hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, that was how Secretary of Treasure-designate Timothy Geithner explained his failure to pay more than $34,000 in taxes. Geithner, one of the more controversial nominees to Obama's new Cabinet, apologized for the "unintentional" mistakes. Not surprisingly, several Republicans still have serious doubts about Geithner's ability to handle billions of our tax dollars. Sen. Olympia Snowe (Maine) was not one of them. She brushed aside Geithner's personal scandal and said it shouldn't "preclude his nomination." I disagree. This isn't Geithner's money he would be mismanaging. It's ours.
Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, is also under investigation for tax fraud. If Geithner is successfully confirmed and Rangel refuses to step aside, it would mean the two people most responsible for crafting U.S. tax policy will be suspected tax cheats. Both have cited ignorance about our tax law as an excuse. Surely, it's not asking too much that the leaders in charge of writing and enforcing America's tax policy know what they are doing.
A World of Difference
Americans watched on television as President Bush's jumbo jet soared out of sight Tuesday, and with him, a long record of protecting the unborn. Although the Obama administration is not even a week old, the new President has already set to work undoing years of pro life and pro-family policy.
Minutes after Obama took the oath of office, the transfer of power was made complete on the White House website. The page, once home to a host of family values, now welcomes an extreme collection of anti-life, anti-woman, and anti-family agendas. Under the caption "civil rights," Obama pledges to fight for nationwide civil unions, repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, homosexual adoption, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, expanded "hate crimes," and over 1,100 costly same-sex benefits. He promises to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" as well as block a federal amendment to preserve marriage. In exchange for the support of groups like Planned Parenthood, the abortion business is also due for a rich payoff from the 44th president, including his support of abortion-on-demand, more funding for "family planning" programs, embryonic stem cell experiments, and tax-funded abortion.
This city may have changed overnight, but our values are enduring. We will continue to advance faith, family, and freedom in the next four years.
Source: FRC
Keeping Promises
After granting a 24-hour stay on the execution of the unborn, President Obama delivered yesterday on his promise of taxpayer funded promotion of abortion. Yesterday afternoon, the new administration inked the order overturning the "Mexico City policy" and freeing millions of federal dollars to international abortion groups. Of course, it was no accident that the new president postponed the act until the last possible minute on Friday, knowing the repeal would be buried in the weekend headlines. Issuing it now means that even the presidential blackberry will get more media coverage than his international abortion bailout. The end of "Mexico City" is nothing less than a tragedy for the world's poor.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Let The Games Begin
So much for a spirit of bipartisanship. While President-elect Obama pledged to make the government "open" and "transparent," House Democrats are making it virtually impossible for him to keep that promise. Today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) kicked off the 111th Congress by stripping Republicans of any input in the legislative process. By a vote of 242 to 181, Democrats reversed a set of fairness rules that dated back to Newt Gingrich's Contract with America. As a result of the vote, House Republicans can no longer offer substantive alternatives, propose certain amendments to Democratic bills, or force a free and open debate.
This is a significant development given the big ticket items on Obama's agenda that will cost taxpayer's trillions of dollars and potentially chart a new cultural course for the country. By shutting down the opposition, Democrats will have a blank check to fast-track some of the most controversial policies of our day. Although minority leaders strongly protested the changes, they were powerless to stop them. As the GOP leadership wrote to Pelosi in an open letter yesterday, reverting to "undemocratic one-party rule" is especially dangerous now, as the government is experiencing an "unprecedented expansion of federal power and spending." Liberals may see this as reprisal for their unpleasant stint in the minority, but playing a game of political keep-away affects millions of Americans who deserve a voice in the legislative process.
Publicly, the Democrat's have tried to position themselves as uniters. This latest move by Speaker Pelosi would suggest their spirit of cooperation was nothing more than campaign rhetoric designed to dupe voters into handing over the keys to Congress to a party with no appetite for accountability. Contact Speaker Pelosi at (202) 225-4965 and remind her that Democrats were sent to Washington to represent popular interests not partisan ones.
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