Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It's my opinion that one of the main reasons why our society is so messed up is because no one wants to be held accountable for their actions. We see the perfect example in corporate America, we see how companies are run irresponsibly and when they get in trouble instead of accepting responsibility, what do they do? They run to the government and ask for a "bailout". And is not only businesses, we see it too in individuals. We see how people spend irresponsibly, and buy things they can't afford, creating great amounts of credit card debts, but when is time to pay, they try every available loophole to not pay. Well as I was doing my devotions this morning, I found that the Scriptures have a lot to say about accountability, here are some of my thoughts:

When we are ill-equipped or unprepared for a certain role in life, it is important that we find a godly mentor to give us direction and hold us accountable. All of us need the help of a godly mentor who knows what we are going through. We must avoid the tendency to "go it alone". We need to ask God to provide others who will hold us accountable, help us grow, and preserve our spiritual gains.

Procrastinating when God has shown us what He requires is a form of disobedience and a lack of accountability. plans to do God's will "tomorrow" should never be mistaken for obedience. If we know what God wants us to do, we need to get on with it.

So now we understand that we need to be accountable and that we need people around us that will help us in this endeavor, but we also need to be open for their help, why do I say this, because when we are confronted with our sin, it is tempting to deny its existence. But instead, we should admit it, repent of it, and seek God's forgiveness. Then we can redirect our course and praise God as He redeems our lives.

And finally let's remember that we all must take responsibility for our actions. While we may realize that some of what we suffer is a consequence of our parents mistakes, we must not use this as an excuse for our own failures or lack of accountability. We need to take responsibility for them. We also need to take responsibility for how we choose to deal with the suffering brought into our lives by others. We alone are accountable to God for our actions and reactions.

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