Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pro-Life=Terrorist? So Says Chris Matthews

On Tuesday, March 3, MSNBC host Chris Matthews called pro-life groups and individuals "terrorists" because they oppose the Kathleen Sebelius nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Is it Mr. Matthews' opinion that pro-lifers are terrorists because they oppose a nominee with views that are diametrically opposed to most of America? A nominee so radical it is difficult impossible to find an instance when she stood up as an elected official in support of life.

Does Mr. Matthews want pro-life groups to remain silent on a nominee who voted to weaken and eliminate measures like parental notification and waiting periods? A nominee who directed funds away from programs that support women and towards abortionists like Planned Parenthood.

Mr. Matthews should know better.

We have every right as citizens to object to a nominee who as governor hosted a private reception at the governor's mansion for the notorious late term abortionist George Tiller and his staff, and worked hard to block criminal charges against Tiller.

It is our duty to educate our fellow citizens about a nominee for an influential cabinet position whose views on abortion and health care reform are radically outside the mainstream.


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