I am a sports fan, and a fan of men of character. Tony Dungy, coach of the Indianapolis Colts, has been that for me and for countless Americans who admire him not just for his victories on the field but in life. Living in the public eye isn't always easy, but coach Dungy has inspired millions through his response to personal tragedy and professional success alike. A role model first and coach second, Dungy will have a legacy of service that outlasts any football record or championship. For seven years in Indiana, he used his celebrity platform to promote adoption, prison ministry, family values, outreach to the poor, and simple Christian decency.
As his own pastor said, Dungy came to Indianapolis with the understanding that "faith would come before football" and he managed to exceed expectations in both. In his retirement, coach Dungy said, "I remember... saying that our goal was to win... but that we needed to win the right way, we needed to win with the right kind of players that... our young men and women in this community could look up to and say, 'I want to be like him, or him, or him.'"
As Coach Dungy leaves a league that he made better simply for being in it, I thank him for his impact. May this new chapter for the Dungy family be the start of something even greater for the Kingdom he has so admirably served.
Source: FRC
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