Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sports, Religious Freedom and Politics

Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.)has joined an already crowed Tibetan bandwagon by calling for President Bush to boycott the opening Olympic ceremonies in Beijing. Clinton's objections came just hours before the Olympic torch touched down in San Francisco, its only stop on American soil after a tumultuous tour through Europe. Both Clinton and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) are protesting on behalf of the Dalai Lama, whose followers were the victims of a brutal clash with the Chinese government. I find it kind of hypocritical that while a handful of mistreated Tibetans have captured the attention of U.S. leaders, the plight of hundreds of Chinese Christian pastors continues to go unnoticed and unopposed. Isn't the American ideal religious liberty for all, not a select few? Our leaders are creating the impression that when it comes to defending religious freedom overseas, Chinese Christians need not apply. Meanwhile, we've heard not a peep from Olympic sponsors that are helping to give China the world stage. McDonald's, Coca-Cola and the other sponsors who stand to gain millions of dollars from their Olympic exposure should send a message that they put a higher value on religious freedom than corporate profits. But don't hold your breath.

Source: FRC.

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