An estimated billion people celebrated Earth Day around the world yesterday, but few seem to understand its true motivation. Earth Day is not just another reminder to use recycled paper or drive energy-efficient cars. It's a calculated attack on the sanctity of human life. Population control is inextricably linked to the environmental and abortion movements. For years, the Sierra Club and other green militants have said that the best way to consume fewer resources is to have fewer children. Their own website says, "Talk to your decision-makers and demand an increase of funding for voluntary family planning programs and access to comprehensive sex education for young people." Last year, Optimum Population Trust released a paper that was even less subtle. It claimed that children are "bad for the planet" and called on nations to reduce the global population by five billion which would only be possible by forced abortion and sterilization. And how could we forget Barry Walters? The Australian professor published an article last year advocating a "baby tax" for every couple with more than two children. The latest fad crisis is global warming, but even that is just another excuse to fund "Planet" Parenthood and similar groups. Stewardship of God's creation is the responsibility of every Christian. But we must realize that there's a greater threat to the environment than climate change or scarce resources and that's the threat of environmental extremism that elevates the planet above people.
Source: FRC
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