Just how much impact do family values have on Hollywood? A lot, according to a study released by the Nielsen Company. In its research of 400 films from 2005-2007, the amount of profanity in a PG movie was the biggest indicator of how well it did at the box office. On a scale of one to 10--10 being the most offensive--movies that scored a 0.8 on the profanity scale made an average of $69 million. On the flip side, the profits for a film that scored a 2.8 were nearly slashed in half, drawing an average of only $38 million. Surprisingly, the amount of profanity--more than sexuality or violence--was the most significant indicator of how well a PG film would fare. According to Research and Marketing Director Dan O'Toole, PG language is what makes the difference between a box office winner and loser. Hollywood is no different from any other industry when it comes to the bottom line. Money talks, and we can only hope that more producers start listening.
Source: Family Research Council.
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