A new report on the crisis of marriage in the U.K. is sending shock waves throughout the nation, as the proportion of Britons who tied the knot in 2006 is the lowest it's been since records began in 1862. The Office for National Statistics said that in 2006 "fewer than ten in every 1,000 single adults in England and Wales" got married. And the biggest culprit for the decline appears to be none other than the British government. The U.K.'s tax code rewards single parents and penalizes married spouses, leading more couples to beat the system by "living apart together" in civil unions. By embracing and even incentivizing these civil partnerships, the U.K. is fueling the traditional family's complete collapse. When you rob marriage of its meaning, as Britain has done, and deemphasize it, a nation naturally experiences less of it. In the U.S., we see the European influence slowly creeping across the pond and into American public policy as more liberals devalue traditional marriage and family. Leaders in the U.K. insist that this report is the wake-up call the nation needed. In the last week, many MPs have pledged to introduce legislation that would entice more couples to marry. Let's pray it's not too late.
Source: FRC.
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