According to The Boston Globe, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is working with state Democratic leaders in Massachusetts to kill a constructional amendment there that will finally give the citizens of the state the opportunity to vote on same-sex marriage, which was imposed by the state's high court in 2003. Pelosi, a supporter of same-sex marriage, is apparently concerned about the impact a vote on the marriage amendment would have on the 2008 elections. In the May 17 edition of The Boston Globe, reporters suggest that Pelosi has burned up the phones in recent days, warning Massachusetts legislators that their local battle over marriage may well decide the next White House occupant and the fate of Democratic control in Congress. Doing her best to peel lawmakers off their pro-marriage stance before the vote on June 14, Pelosi has allegedly won a few converts. Since Pelosi's conversations with the local House Speaker and Senate President began, as many as three votes in support of the amendment have vanished. Under Massachusetts law, at least 50 votes (25 percent of the legislature) are needed to put the issue on the ballot, and people on the ground suspect their numbers are down to 53. The "Pelosi Effect" has done some damage, considering that the amendment passed last session by a comfortable 62 votes. For many in Massachusetts, the Speaker's intrusion into local politics is unwelcome, particularly since pro-family activists are already battling an aggressive campaign from Gov. Deval Patrick (D) to silence voters, shaky promises from state officials, and an influx of liberal funds. There is obvious reason for Pelosi and others to be concerned: the amendment appears to have strong support among the citizens and a record number of signatures were collected to start this process. Mrs. Speaker, this process has worn on for four years - let the people vote!
Source: Family Research Council.
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