Democrats last year unseated the Republican Majority in the U. S. House in part by alleging a Republican culture of corruption. New House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) pledged to transform America with the most ethical Congress this country had ever seen. Five months into her reign, you can add that pledge to a list of broken promises.
First, Pelosi tried to place a man under investigation for corruption, Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.), on the Homeland Security Committee. (You might remember Jefferson for stashing $90,000 of "cold cash" in his freezer). After that debacle, she put Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.), who has been accused by the F.B.I. of misusing federal funds, in charge of the committee that oversees the investigative agenda.
Now comes word her consigliere, Rep. John Murtha (D-Penn.), has used his position to break the rules in securing millions of taxpayer dollars in an earmark for the National Drug Intelligence Center a building both the Government Reform Committee and General Accounting Office say is unnecessary. When confronted about his impropriety, Murtha threatened Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) with a cut-off of federal funds to his district. These abuses were brought to the attention of House leadership, but liberals refused to reprimand their colleagues, telling the GOP to "grow up."
Source: Family Research Council.
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