Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Check This Out

An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4 from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires. Full Story.
You Won't Read this in the Regular Media
Former ACLU leader makes plea deal
A former president of the Virginia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is expected to plead guilty to criminal charges stemming from his arrest on child pornography possession charges, according to court records.
A judge in U.S. District Court in Alexandria scheduled a June 1 plea agreement hearing for Charles Rust-Tierney, 51, of Arlington. It was not clear what charges would be included in the plea agreement.
A grand jury indicted Rust-Tierney this month on one count each of receipt and possession of child pornography. A conviction at trial on both counts could have resulted in a prison sentence of 11 to 14 years, according to federal sentencing guidelines. Full Story.
Messiah controversy follows death of mystical rabbi
A controversy is raging in Israel, in evangelical circles in the U.S. and on kabbalah web forums worldwide following the posthumous release of what a revered Sephardic rabbi claimed to be the name of the Messiah. When Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri died in February 2006, somewhere between the age of 106 and 117, 300,000 attended his funeral in Jerusalem. The Baghdad-born kabbalist had gained notoriety around the world for issuing apocalyptic warnings and for saying he personally met the long-awaited Jewish Messiah in November 2003. Before Kaduri died, he reportedly wrote the name of the Messiah on a small note, requesting it remained sealed for one year after his death. The note revealed the name of the Messiah as "Yehoshua" or "Yeshua" – or the Hebrew name Jesus. However, complicating the story further, the note is being challenged as a forgery by his 80-year-old son Rabbi David Kaduri...Full Story.
I being a fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean series went to see AT WORLD’S END, the third movie in Walt Disney’s PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN trilogy. This epic finds Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann allied with Captain Barbossa in a quest to free Captain Jack Sparrow from the underworld of Davy Jones’ locker. They confront the Chinese pirate Sao Feng, who has the map that will lead them to Jack. Meanwhile, the evil Lord Beckett has taken over the East India Trading Company. Having retrieved the heart of Davy Jones in the second movie, Lord Beckett now controls Davy Jones and his ship the Flying Dutchman. Using them, Beckett captures and hangs every man, woman and child who refuses to submit to his absolute control over the high seas. Eventually, each character must choose a side in a final, titanic battle.
Like the second movie, AT WORLD’S END is determined to give audiences their money’s worth. And in my opinion it does, especially in the gigantic action piece at the end, which ties the loose ends together in a Christian allegory of sacrifice and redemption. Although the movie’s Christian metaphors are clear, the movie also includes references to paganism and piracy, but these negative elements are ultimately handled delicately. Although I found the movie interesting, I thought that at times it dragged and left characters and plots underdeveloped. Anyways for us fans it was an O.K. movie and if you got three hours to kill go see it. I give it three stars.
The Miracle of Shavuot (Pentecost), 1967
Yesterday began the observance of the Jewish festival of Shavuot, a holiday with dual significance. The Bible states, “From the day after the Sabbath … count off seven full weeks. Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the Lord” (Leviticus 23:15-16). Full Story.
Friday, May 25, 2007
The Cornerstone
On Monday, Americans celebrate Memorial Day. It's a time to stop and pray, as we reflect on the sacrifice of those who have laid down their lives so that we might live in freedom. In Washington, the day dawns as President Bush lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Those who attend the early morning ceremony will be able to read some of the words engraved at the heart of Arlington National Cemetery. There's a Latin inscription which, translated, says: "It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country." This idea, which was written before the birth of Jesus, comes from the Roman author Horace.
Clearly, patriotism goes a long way back. When the cornerstone for the Tomb was laid in 1915, a time capsule was placed within it containing several interesting items from our nation's history. Among the things our ancestors thought important for us to remember were a copy of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, a U.S. Flag (1915), and Pierre L'Enfant's map design of the city of Washington, D.C. But the first thing our ancestors placed in that time capsule was the Bible. That's interesting since the nation had been operating under the Constitution for 125 years by that point, and yet none of our leaders Democrat or Republican thought the inclusion of the Bible would present a constitutional problem.
In that Bible, of course, we read Jesus' words: "Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13). "Where do we get such men," General Dwight D. Eisenhower asked in amazement when he saw Army Rangers scaling the heights of Pointe du Hoc in Normandy on D-Day. The truth is, we get them from the same places we've always gotten them from the farms and factories, from villages, suburbs, and big cities, and from America's churches. That's why the Word of God is there, in that cornerstone. And that's why it is the cornerstone of our national life.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
House of Murtha
Democrats last year unseated the Republican Majority in the U. S. House in part by alleging a Republican culture of corruption. New House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) pledged to transform America with the most ethical Congress this country had ever seen. Five months into her reign, you can add that pledge to a list of broken promises.
First, Pelosi tried to place a man under investigation for corruption, Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.), on the Homeland Security Committee. (You might remember Jefferson for stashing $90,000 of "cold cash" in his freezer). After that debacle, she put Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.), who has been accused by the F.B.I. of misusing federal funds, in charge of the committee that oversees the investigative agenda.
Now comes word her consigliere, Rep. John Murtha (D-Penn.), has used his position to break the rules in securing millions of taxpayer dollars in an earmark for the National Drug Intelligence Center a building both the Government Reform Committee and General Accounting Office say is unnecessary. When confronted about his impropriety, Murtha threatened Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) with a cut-off of federal funds to his district. These abuses were brought to the attention of House leadership, but liberals refused to reprimand their colleagues, telling the GOP to "grow up."
Source: Family Research Council.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Liberals Give Abstinence a Run for Its Money
The Congress that attached $74 million for peanut storage, $24 million for sugar beets, and $13 million for sheep breeding to the war supplemental bill is balking at the $50 million renewal of federal abstinence-only funding. For instance, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), an outspoken critic of abstinence programs, showed unusual compassion for the nation's taxpayers, saying, "American[s]... have already paid more than $1 billion for [abstinence] programs [in the last 11 years]." Yet where is this same concern when the government spends over a quarter of a billion dollars each year in Title X funds for groups like Planned Parenthood, which promote teen promiscuity, birth control without parental consent, and--when that fails--abortion? More importantly, what have Americans received for the government's hefty investment in so-called "comprehensive" liberal sex education programs, other than a culture of rampant disease, poverty, and out-of-wedlock births? As Congress considers slashing funds for Title V programs that address these problems, FRC hosted a breakfast this morning with Reps. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) and Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.) for Abstinence Day on the Hill. Hundreds of students, abstinence educators, and groups like FRC flooded congressional offices as part of the fight to reauthorize Title V funding so that the "save sex" message can build on its proven success. To protect these programs from extinction, we need your help. Contact your representatives and tell them that $50 million is a modest price to pay for programs that can dramatically reduce the rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. If Congress can defend a $100 million earmark for citrus fruit, surely it can justify spending half that for children whose futures will be brighter and healthier because of these valuable programs.
Source: Family Research Council.
Source: Family Research Council.
Pelosi Working to Stop Massachusetts Marriage Vote
According to The Boston Globe, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is working with state Democratic leaders in Massachusetts to kill a constructional amendment there that will finally give the citizens of the state the opportunity to vote on same-sex marriage, which was imposed by the state's high court in 2003. Pelosi, a supporter of same-sex marriage, is apparently concerned about the impact a vote on the marriage amendment would have on the 2008 elections. In the May 17 edition of The Boston Globe, reporters suggest that Pelosi has burned up the phones in recent days, warning Massachusetts legislators that their local battle over marriage may well decide the next White House occupant and the fate of Democratic control in Congress. Doing her best to peel lawmakers off their pro-marriage stance before the vote on June 14, Pelosi has allegedly won a few converts. Since Pelosi's conversations with the local House Speaker and Senate President began, as many as three votes in support of the amendment have vanished. Under Massachusetts law, at least 50 votes (25 percent of the legislature) are needed to put the issue on the ballot, and people on the ground suspect their numbers are down to 53. The "Pelosi Effect" has done some damage, considering that the amendment passed last session by a comfortable 62 votes. For many in Massachusetts, the Speaker's intrusion into local politics is unwelcome, particularly since pro-family activists are already battling an aggressive campaign from Gov. Deval Patrick (D) to silence voters, shaky promises from state officials, and an influx of liberal funds. There is obvious reason for Pelosi and others to be concerned: the amendment appears to have strong support among the citizens and a record number of signatures were collected to start this process. Mrs. Speaker, this process has worn on for four years - let the people vote!
Source: Family Research Council.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Growing number of Hispanic Americans converting to Islam in the U.S.
Muslim leaders in the United States say interest in their religion has increased in the past few years. More Hispanic Americans are converting to Islam, particularly in New York, California, Texas and Florida, which have the greatest concentration of Hispanic residents. Full Story.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Darfur in the Arab Press
The ongoing massacre in Darfur, which has been raging since 2003, receives scant coverage in most of the Arab media. The few articles that appear on the subject generally minimize the importance of reports on the ethnic cleansing in the region, and most of them characterize the international efforts to stop the bloodshed in Darfur as a Western, American, or Zionist plot aimed at seizing the country's natural resources. Furthermore, the extensive coverage of Darfur in the Western media is portrayed in these articles as an attempt to divert the attention of international opinion from events in Iraq, the Palestinian Authority, and Somalia. More Here.
Benchmarks for a bloodbath
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is not purposely trying to destroy all of Israel's hard-won security gains of the last five years. But if she were, she could hardly have improved on her new benchmark proposal! Full Story.
So Much for Freedom of Speech
Dozens of students at three Sacramento, California, area public schools were suspended when they took a stand against a pro-homosexual event — the "Day of Silence," which was observed nationwide late last month.
In the Sacramento area, an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 students chose to stay home instead of being confronted with the pro-homosexual message on the Day of Silence. But nearly 50 students who did attend school that day wore clothing and distributed literature highlighting the dangers of homosexuality. Some of these students were sent home, some were suspended, and others were given "Saturday school." Read More.
In the Sacramento area, an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 students chose to stay home instead of being confronted with the pro-homosexual message on the Day of Silence. But nearly 50 students who did attend school that day wore clothing and distributed literature highlighting the dangers of homosexuality. Some of these students were sent home, some were suspended, and others were given "Saturday school." Read More.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Planned Parenthood Caught Breaking the Law
Recently, another employee of Planned Parenthood was caught on tape encouraging a minor to lie about her age to get an abortion. When a sophomore at UCLA visited a clinic posing as a pregnant 15-year-old with a 23-year-old boyfriend, the worker replied to her concerns about being underage by saying, "You could say [you're] 16. Just figure out a birth date that works. And I don't know anything." The video was posted on YouTube, outraging the CEO of Planned Parenthood's California affiliates, Kathy Kneer.
In an interview, Kneer seemed upset not that the employee was giving illegal advice to a minor, but that she was caught. "We believe the individuals behind this are doing this not out of motivation to protect teens, but in fact to discredit Planned Parenthood." That's where Kneer is wrong. When it comes to discrediting Planned Parenthood, the organization needs no help.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
In Tribute to Rev. Jerry Falwell
With heavy hearts, believers from across America are stunned and saddened by the passing of the Reverend Jerry Falwell. A man of conviction, he will be missed for his unique ability to speak the truth even in the face of great opposition. He stood stalwartly for the sanctity of life, marriage, faith, and family. Fifty-years ago his gift for vision casting, together with his burning desire to serve Jesus, helped turn an abandoned bottling plant into the 22,000 member Thomas Road Baptist Church.
In 1971 that vision continued in the form of Liberty University, which Rev. Falwell personally founded and shepherded into the thriving environment it is today, where future generations are equipped to learn and live for Christ.
He was a pioneer whose legacy, marked by courage and candor, blazed the trail for all men and women of conviction to engage boldly on the great questions of our day. But he was first and foremost a husband, a father and a pastor.
Source: Family Research Council
Five signs of the Mahdi's return?
Ahmadinejad is the first Muslim leader who has prayed for the hastening of the return of the Shiite Messiah, known as the Mahdi, at the U.N. General Assembly, an act that reinforced his conviction that he was carrying God's words and acting on behalf of the Messiah....Never before had an Iranian leader so publicly acknowledged his messianic beliefs. Read More Here.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Good Riddance
With the election of a new president of France two Sundays ago, the lengthy professional life of Jacques Chirac—French president for 12 years, mayor of Paris for 18 years, twice French prime minister for a total of four years—comes to a grinding halt, apparently to the great relief of his compatriots.
Full Story.
Scary Quote of the Day
"Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."
--- Omar Ahmed, co-founder of CAIR ---
--- Omar Ahmed, co-founder of CAIR ---
So Much for the Religion of Peace and Tolerance
A group of Muslim men, angered by plans to enlarge a Coptic church, battled with Christians after Friday prayers, setting fire to several buildings and injuring at least 11 people, officials and witnesses said.
Attackers roamed through the village of Bamha, about 15 miles south of Cairo, carrying hatchets and fuel canisters, said a witness, Tarek Gabbas.
Muslims and Christians reportedly threw firebombs and bricks at each other, and at least 10 Christian houses and businesses were set ablaze before police restored order. Seventeen people from both faiths were arrested, Reuters news agency reported.
Under Egyptian law, no church can be constructed without a presidential decree. However, mosques are not subject to the same regulation, a fact cited by Egypt’s Coptic minority as evidence of discrimination....
Source: L.A. Times
Let's Have a Gas Out
Don't pump gas on may 15th
In April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.
On May 15th 2007, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.
There are over 177,000,000+ American members currently on the internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.
If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take
$2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil company's pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day.
If you agree (which I can't see why you wouldn't) contact as many of your friends as you can and tell them ''Don't pump gas on May 15th".
Friday, May 11, 2007
Herod's grave and tomb discovered at Herodium
The long search for Herod the Great’s tomb has ended with the exposure of the remains of his grave, sarcophagus and mausoleum on Mount Herodium’s northeastern slope, Prof. Ehud Netzer of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Institute of Archaeology announced today. Herod was the Roman-appointed king of Judea from 37 to 4 BC, who was renowned for his many monumental building projects, including the reconstruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, the palace at Masada, as well as the complex at Herodium, 15 kilometers south of Jerusalem. Herodium is the most outstanding among King Herod’s building projects. This is the only site that carries his name and the site where he chose to be buried and to memorialize himself all of this with the integration of a huge, unique palace at the fringe of the desert, said Prof. Netzer. Therefore, he said, the exposure of his tomb becomes the climax of this site’s research. The approach to the burial site which has been described by the archaeologists involved as one of the most striking finds in Israel in recent years was via a monumental flight of stairs (6.5 meters wide) leading to the hillside that were especially constructed for the funeral procession...Full Story Here.
It Feels Like 1938 all Over Again
Violent attacks against Jews continue to rise all over Europe specially in France. Full Story Here..
Monday, May 7, 2007
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