Monday, August 30, 2010

Effective Leadership (Contnd)

Here are some more tips on delegation:

6. Push authority down. It's extremely important that you always delegate authority along with responsibility. Those you delegate to can only carry out the tasks you desire with proper authority.

7. Put your heart into the level of leadership under you. People can't represent you well if they don't have your heart. And you can't put your heart into your volunteer leaders without making a commitment to spend time with them. Take someone with you whenever you can. Be quick to pass on what you know to someone else. Allow those around you to ask questions. Establish excellent lines of communication. Take advantage of every communication tool available.

8. Establish accountability. Teach your volunteers how authority works. Help them understand the chain of command.

9. Support and encourage those who help you. It's imperative that you build a support structure around your volunteers.

10. Dare to confront those who are doing it wrong. When you see things that need to be done differently, gently confront people. Don't wait for things to become a problem. Be on the offense and deal with things as they come up. What if volunteers quit? Why be negative? If they quit, they quit. But what if they change and become super leaders?

More to come!

Source: Group, Jim Wideman.

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