A fellow staff member lent me this book. It was written by Mark Batterson who is the lead pastor at National Community Church in Washington D.C. Don't let the funny tittle fool you this is an awesome and inspiring book. The book is based on an obscure passage in the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel (23:29, 30). It centers on the story of an Israelite warrior (Beniah) who encounters a lion in a pit on a snowy day. The plot is that instead of Benaiah running away like most of, if not everyone of us would do, he jumps in to the pit and kills it. Throughout the book Batterson points out that this is the kind of courage that us as Christians must have.
Batterson structures the book on the seven skills he believes will help people chase the biggest lions. The skills according to Batterson are: overcoming adversity, unlearning fears, embracing uncertainty, calculating risks, seizing opportunities, defying odds, and looking foolish.
This book challenged the way I think about faith, and I hope it will find expression in the way I live out my faith. The book is sprinkled with references to pop culture and ancient culture, it digs out Biblical principles and helps us understand their relevance in our everyday live here in the 21st century. But the good thing about this book is that it's not Mark Batterson's story. And it's not Benaiah's story. It is God's story and it is one He wants to write in and through each of our lives.
This book is a fast and funny read, and it will leave you with lots to think about. It made me want to jump out of my chair and start running after God with more intensity and focus than before. It wil make you laugh, it will amaze you, it will inspire you, and it will help you in your walk with God. I give it five stars.
That sounds like a good one.
Thanks for the review.
It is a good one. Thanks for stopping by. And again congrats on the great news...
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