According to Dr. Calum MacKellar, the U.K. could soon add "humanzees" to its list of attractions. In an interview with The Scotsman, Dr. MacKellar, research director at the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics, says the half-man, half-chimp hybrid is just one of the many species that could become a reality if the government doesn't act quickly. Mackellar warns that human sperm has been and will continue to be inseminated into animals research that the current Human Fertilization and Embryology Bill allows. The bill, which is creating uproar in Parliament, is schedule for debate in the House of Commons this May. There's no limit to the list of horrors that the legislation would tolerate, including animal-human hybrids, savior siblings, and artificial gametes. "There's a desperate need for organs . . . if they could create these humanzees... [some scientists would argue that] we could have a large provision of organs,"
Dr. MacKellar said. Over the past few years, plenty of animal hybrids have been coaxed into existence, including wholphins (whale and dolphin), lepjags (leopard and jaguar), and a pizzly (polar and grizzly bear). We are quickly approaching a threshold of irresponsibility that is not only immoral but stomach-turning. Unfortunately, the U.S. is letting its scientists roam freely through this unethical territory. Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) hopes to change that. Last week, he introduced a companion bill to Sen. Sam Brownback's (R-Kans.) Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act. Under H.R. 5910 and S. 2318, America would ban the creation of all human-animal hybrids.
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