I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy. (Luke 10:19 )
If you find yourself constantly losing the battle against temptation, then something is desperately wrong. If Satan is getting the upper hand in your life, consistently getting you to fall into sin, maybe you need to change your approach to spiritual warfare. The enemy is a cunning and skillful foe, but he is no match for the Holy Spirit that lives within each and every believer. The only way Satan can win the battle is for Christians to stifle the work of the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit empowers us as believers to overcome the forces of evil as well as our sinful nature. Before we accepted Christ as Savior we had no power to combat temptation, but now we do. We have a force greater than ourselves living within us and helping us in our weaknesses. And if we are falling into sin often, it means that we are squelching the work of the Spirit.
"I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy," Jesus says in Luke 10:19 . The power that Jesus gives to us as his followers is all we need to overcome Satan. When we walk in the Spirit, we have the ability to stay focused and resist evil. When we fall, it is because we are trying to do it on our own.
The beauty of spiritual warfare is that it is a battle we can win every time. It's a war that God fights on our behalf. And with the Holy Spirit's help, we can overcome.
How are you doing in your struggle against temptation? What should you do to invoke the power of the Holy Spirit in your behalf?
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