Just how satisfied are voters with the Democrats' agenda? According to the latest Gallup poll, a significant majority of Americans are unimpressed. For the first time since 1996, congressional approval ratings have dipped well below the 30% mark, sinking to a meager 24% last week. As Gallup notes, such widespread dissatisfaction is rare. In fact, Congress has been rated this negatively only a handful of times in the last 40 years most noticeably during the energy crisis.
Sadly, it appears that the country is facing a new crisis, an ideological war that pits the majority on Capitol Hill that is pushing an agenda that's far outside the mainstream of American values against the vast majority of the American people. Considering the promises that Pelosi and company made last year, it's no wonder that the country feels frustrated with its leaders and even betrayed by them. The Democrats were swept into power on the promise that they would clean up Washington, yet they seem unable to clean up even their own party. For example, the House and Senate are scheduled to consider legislation in the next few weeks that would increase funding for Planned Parenthood, promote Social Security benefits for "domestic partners," codify Roe v. Wade, eliminate support for crisis pregnancy centers, and more. If the New Majority continues on its present course it may very well go the way of the last majority.
1 comment:
Hmm. its amazing how this country is so unsure of what they want. they think that one party will give it to them, so they vote them in, but in the end they are just as dissatified as when they began. this was really interesting, by the way. :D
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