Ron Luce at Teen Mania is challenging America's youth to follow Jesus Christ and become cultural warriors for Him through BattleCry events all over the country. Last year the San Francisco Board of Supervisors actually issued a formal resolution condemning the BattleCry event.
This year city officials are using the bureaucracy to harass Teen Mania. Last week the city entertainment commission issued a decree that prohibited the use of the San Francisco Giants' stadium sound system before 10 a.m. Despite the fact that the stadium hosts concerts and ballgames year-round at every time of the day and night, San Francisco has found the limit of its tolerance in BattleCry's morning worship service. City officials are working overtime to dampen what has proven to be a life-changing, health-promoting rally for the nation's youth.
Thanks to the intervention of a local radio station, KFAX AM 1100, which offered to broadcast the service, kids will be able to join in the praise and worship through their personal radios. In hopes of reversing the city's decision, the American Center for Law and Justice has intervened and is considering legal action. The city of San Francisco may pride itself on its "diversity" and "tolerance" but it apparently draws the line on tolerance when it comes to Christians.
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