I wrote in an earlier post that I would be sharing some of my thoughts relating to my hospital stay, well here it goes.
One of the things that became real to me was the fact that we are not guaranteed our next breath or tomorrow for that matter. Yes I know that I have heard this a thousand times, but like I said it really became real to me at the hospital, especially during the time when the doctors were trying to find out what was wrong with me. All I could think of was that I wanted the pain to go away. I would ask the nurses to tell me what was wrong and all I would get was the polite answer of "you'll be alright". Well I knew I wasn't alright I mean I had a fever of 102.7, my head felt like it was going to explode, and my back felt like I was constantly getting stabbed. Yet no one could tell me what was happening. Finally one of the doctors told me that I had a pretty acute kidney infection, great I thought now they can fix it, not so fast, for you see they knew what I had but they couldn't find the medicine to kill it. So there I was I felt like a guinea pig because they kept trying all kinds of medicines and nothing would work. In the meantime I kept getting worse, and I started thinking that I may not make it. I also started thinking of all the things that I had planned to do and all the things that I wanted to say to those I love. You see I'm a person that likes to plan and there is nothing wrong with planning, but let's not let the planning get in the way of living life to the fullest which is how God wants us to live.
So, if there is a phone call you have been meaning to make, make it today, if you want to tell someone you love them do it today don't wait till tomorrow for tomorrow may never come. If you need to forgive someone forgive them now, today. But most important if you need to get right with God do it now, remember we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof. Matthew 6:34
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