Monday, January 8, 2007

More Israel Bashing

A few weeks back a book was released titlled "Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid." This book was written by former president Jimmy Carter.

It is difficult to add much to what has already been said about this book. Its factual errors and anti-Israel bias have been exposed by many who truly know and have a deep understanding of the Middle East including some of Carter’s closest associates. One of these is Middle East historian and Emory University professor of Israeli studies Kenneth Stein, who in the ‘80s acted as the first director of the Carter Center, the former president’s non-profit organization. Mr. Stein recently ended a 23-year relationship with the Carter Center because of what he called the book’s “one-sided nature,” and “factual errors, copied materials not cited, superficialities, glaring omissions, and simply invented segments.”

As you will see from the comments below, Mr. Stein is just one of the many, notable voices that are a part of the chorus of criticism for "Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid":

“Mr. Carter repeatedly mentions Security Council Resolution 242, which called for return of captured territories in exchange for peace, recognition, and secure boundaries, but he ignores that Israel accepted and all the Arab nations and the Palestinians rejected this resolution… But you wouldn't know that from reading the history according to Mr. Carter.” Alan Dershowitz, New York Sun

“[Carter] says that the only division of territory that is recognized by the United States and the international community is the pre-1967 Green Line. It is hard to believe that Carter does not know that this claim is simply false… The Green Line is just the 1949 armistice line from the end of Israel’s War of Independence. Neither the United States nor the international community recognized this as the final border between Israel and Jordan.” Ira Forman, Washington Jewish Week

“The demonization of Israel begins with the book's title … Carter's use of (the word “apartheid”) seems aimed at delegitimizing Israel as a South Africa-type state… Had he taken the time to explain, he would have had to mention that Israel has airlifted many tens of thousands of black Ethiopian Jews from misery into new homes. He would also have had to mention that Arabs (in Israel) have Israeli citizenship, vote, and hold office.” David Makovsky, U.S. News and World Report

“In 1990, Carter met Arafat, who told him the PLO never advocated the annihilation of Israel and that it was the Zionists who invented the idea that the Palestinians wanted to drive the Jews into the sea. Carter cites this as if it were undeniable when he could have referred to the PLO charter’s call for Israel’s destruction.” Mitchell Bard, author, Myths and Facts

The list of inaccuracies in this book could go on and on. Carter’s claim that Israel never agreed to accept peace terms at the 2000 Camp David accords is disputed by public record and all eyewitnesses, including chief negotiator Dennis Ross, who said, “on this issue, he’s wrong…everyone is entitled to their own opinion. They’re not entitled to their own facts.” Carter absurdly blames Israel for the Christian exodus from the Middle East, ignoring the fact that Christians living under Muslim rule are subject to all kinds of state-sanctioned oppression and the fact that in Israel they enjoy many more freedoms than anywhere in the Arab world.

In fact, the only good thing I can say about this disturbingly biased book is that it acts as a powerful reminder of how critically important it is, when dealing with the media on any topic, for each and every one of us to know and rely on the facts. The words of a former president carry authority. Someone hearing Carter’s misinformation might accept it as truth unless they know the facts and are able to challenge and correct what is being distorted.

I invite you to join with me this New Year and commit to becoming a well-informed advocate for Israel. The more each of us know about the history of Israel and the Jewish people, and their ongoing struggle for peace, freedom, and security, the better we will be able to counter false information like that found in Mr. Carter’s book. We should always remember that, in the battle for fair treatment for Israel in the court of public opinion, the truth is the best weapon we have because the facts are on Israel’s side.


David Swindoll said...

What do you expect from a former president that doesn't have a lick of decorum and etiquette? He has even broken tradition by criticizing a sitting president --while delivering eulogies at funerals!

Carter is a sorry loser and has embarked in anti-Americanism for a long time. Nothing good can come from him.

Jorge Perez said...

I agree with you, what a sorry excuse for a former president and for someone who calls himself a Christian.