Tonight is the last night of Chanukkah the festival of lights, before you start saying anything let me tell you that Jesus celebrated this festival you can check it out in the book of John 10:22. Here is a little background on this festival.
The Hellenistic armies, led by prominent General Antiochus Epiphanies IV,
sought to eliminate all traces of alien culture (alien to Hellenism) by fierce
methods of assimilation.
They enforced strict anti-Torah policies, particularly, the forbidding of circumcision and public and private Torah reading.
As could be expected, the Judeans resisted, and conflicts with the Hellenists were frequent.
As it came to pass, Antiochus eventually seized complete control of the Temple
itself, and in a public display of triumph and mockery, he decided to sacrifice a
swine upon the altar itself, pouring swine urine on the Temple furniture and holy
He also enforced the strict Hellenization of Palestine by setting up a gymnasium in Yerushalayim, compelling Jews to attend. Eventually the proverbial straw broke the camel's back and a resistance led by the Maccabean family (of the Hasmonean Dynasty) began to fight back.
When the Temple was eventually recaptured by the Judeans, it was in shambles.
Apart from being ritualistically defiled by Antiochus' armies, it was in a horrific state of disuse.
During the three years that he occupied it, the Temple priests were forbidden to perform their proper duties, therefore, it would take quite a bit of work to repair the once beautiful structure.
It was decided that before any reconstruction and repair could commence, the House itself had to be rededicated back to the Lord. This was an act to signify that the Judeans wanted the Holiness of the Holy One to return to his Holy Temple.
They set out to accomplish this task, but when it came time to rekindle the Menorah (the seven-branched lamp-stand that resided in the Temple) they discovered that the olive oil supply had been depleted.
It usually took up to eight days to manufacture enough oil to keep the lamp properly lit.
According to tradition, miraculously they also discovered one container of oil with enough
supply to light just a single lamp (think of it as just one candle of the seven).
The miraculous took place when upon lighting the menorah during the rededication ceremony, instead of it lasting only a few hours, it lasted for the duration of the eight days that it took to produce more oil!
The Judeans interpreted this as a supernatural sign the Holy One, Blessed be He, was well pleased that they had
defeated the Greek Armies for now, and that he was ready to "move back into his home".
So there you have it, another wonderful miracle by our loving God.
1 comment:
Merry Christmas, JP!
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