Thursday, April 30, 2009
If You Are Stressing About the Swine Flu
Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild. In fact, the current outbreak of the H1N1 virus, which emerged in San Diego and southern Mexico late last month, may not even do as much damage as the run-of-the-mill flu outbreaks that occur each winter without much fanfare. Read It Here.
A RINO Goes Home
After more than four decades, Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Penn.) is officially going home. The once-GOP leader announced his re-affiliation with the Democratic Party yesterday after years of work as one of its greatest allies. Sen. Specter "moderate" agenda as a senator on life, spending, marriage, and judges often did more harm to the pro-family cause than good. When asked about the switch, the Pennsylvanian said frankly that he didn't believe he could win the Republican primary against a staunch conservative like Pat Toomey.
His departure officially puts the RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) on the endangered list. One of the few liberal senators left in the GOP, Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), lamented Specter's passage in a New York Times editorial. "... It was when we began to emphasize social issues to the detriment of some of our basic tenets as a party that we encountered an electoral backlash." She aggressively tried to make this case to her colleagues yesterday as Republican senators met to discuss Specter's departure.
Of course, the fundamental problem with Snowe's theory is that in the last eight years, the GOP's emphasis on social issues has been as absent as its fiscal discipline. And that, not Snowe's "shrinking ideological confines," is what has banished Republicans to the political wilderness. Moderates like Specter and Snowe voted for the stimulus, the bailouts, legislation that takes innocent human life, and bills that harness free speech. With a track record like that, what exactly is the difference between the two parties if social issues don't distinguish them?
Source: FRC
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Mutiny Within the GOP
In GOP base, a 'rebellion brewing'. A quick tour through the week’s headlines suggests the Republican Party is beginning to come to terms with the last election and that consensus is emerging among GOP elites that the party needs to move away from discordant social issues. Read It Here.
More Heat on Pelosi
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is upping the ante on Speaker Nancy Pelosi — asking the Obama administration to release CIA notes taken during a 2002 briefing session with Pelosi and other Congressional leaders. Read It Here.
The Irony of Hypocrisy
Pelosi now playing defense on torture. Many Republicans,led by former CIA chief Porter Goss, are accusing Democrats like Pelosi of “amnesia” for demanding investigations in 2009 after failing to raise objections seven years ago when she first learned of the legal basis for the program. Read It Here.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Will He Or Won’t He?
The President Gets More Pressure On The Interrogation/Torture Question. It's All Here.
What Did Nancy Pelosi NOT Know, And When Did She Not Know It?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pushing back on GOP charges that she knew about waterboarding for years and did nothing. Read It Here.
Hate Crime Legislation
It wasn't the Fourth of July, but there were plenty of fireworks on Capitol Hill yesterday in two different House committees. After much anticipation, the Judiciary Committee wasted no time getting to work on "hate crimes" legislation. Under the new bill, people who commit certain crimes would face a stiffer punishment for any prejudice they might have toward homosexual and transgender victims. In essence, it singles out some Americans for "extra protection" under the law based upon their sexual behavior.
By late Wednesday, the Democratic majority had faced so much opposition from Republicans on H.R. 1913 that the hearing was discontinued. The debate was reignited, thanks to the stack of amendments offered by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). Each one highlighted the absurdity of the bill by asking Democrats to extend the same unique status to the elderly, the military, pregnant women, and the unborn. Every Democrat who was present at the hearing voted against adding these groups as a "protected class."
Although no official timetable has been set, the "hate crimes" bill could hit the House floor in the next few weeks. If this bill becomes law it would bring in censoring in the Christian arena as far as bible teachings having to do with homosexuality and such.
Source: FRC
By late Wednesday, the Democratic majority had faced so much opposition from Republicans on H.R. 1913 that the hearing was discontinued. The debate was reignited, thanks to the stack of amendments offered by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). Each one highlighted the absurdity of the bill by asking Democrats to extend the same unique status to the elderly, the military, pregnant women, and the unborn. Every Democrat who was present at the hearing voted against adding these groups as a "protected class."
Although no official timetable has been set, the "hate crimes" bill could hit the House floor in the next few weeks. If this bill becomes law it would bring in censoring in the Christian arena as far as bible teachings having to do with homosexuality and such.
Source: FRC
On The Absurd Front
It seems the Obama administration will give in to a U.S. District Court ruling as an excuse to allow 17-year-olds to buy the morning-after pill without a prescription or their parents' consent. An official with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told reporters that an announcement on the subject was forthcoming but that the decision had been made to overturn the current policy, which dates back to the Bush administration.
Judge Edward Korman ordered FDA officials to make Plan B available over-the-counter to minors as young as 17. The Obama administration has decided to roll over and accept the court decision without a single appeal. Essentially, the President is allowing a lone federal district judge to make a scientific decision that affects the health and safety of women across America. For the young administration, it shows an incredible disinclination to fight for good policy. Considering the risks that Plan B poses to women and its unproven track record after repeated use, there seems to be no rational basis for the President's decision, except political ideology. So let me see, 17 year old girls can't buy cigarettes and they can't buy alcoholic beverages or go in to bars, but they can buy this pill and not tell their parents. How does that make sense?
Judge Edward Korman ordered FDA officials to make Plan B available over-the-counter to minors as young as 17. The Obama administration has decided to roll over and accept the court decision without a single appeal. Essentially, the President is allowing a lone federal district judge to make a scientific decision that affects the health and safety of women across America. For the young administration, it shows an incredible disinclination to fight for good policy. Considering the risks that Plan B poses to women and its unproven track record after repeated use, there seems to be no rational basis for the President's decision, except political ideology. So let me see, 17 year old girls can't buy cigarettes and they can't buy alcoholic beverages or go in to bars, but they can buy this pill and not tell their parents. How does that make sense?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
McCain may Face Serious Challenge
John McCain is out of touch with everyday Arizonans. Enough is enough. So says Chris Simcox, the founder of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, he will be announcing his intentions to run against Senator McCain in the 2010 senate primary. Read Story Here.
Monday, April 20, 2009
History Repeats Itself!
This is a cartoon that appeared in an issue of the Chicago Tribune in 1934. Can you see any similarities in what is going on today?
I Guess the Bailout Didn't Work!
About 1,600 white-collar workers at General Motors Corp. will lose their jobs in the next few days as the troubled automaker accelerates cost cuts in order to qualify for more government aid. Read It Here.
Iran's Number 1 Nut Job!!!
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused Israel of being the "most cruel and racist regime," sparking a walkout Monday by angry Western diplomats at a U.N. racism conference. Read Story Here.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Another Slam on Obama Part II
Nevada Republican Sen. John Ensign called President Obama “irresponsible” for the way in which he engaged Venezuela President Hugo Chavez during the Summit of the Americas. Read Story Here.
Another Slam on Obama
A former CIA boss says that president Obama is compromising national security by releasing memos outlining terror interrogation methods. Read Story Here.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Real Love!
We know what real love is because Christ gave up his life for us. (1 John 3:16 ).
If you want to know the depth of people’s love, just look at how much they are willing to sacrifice for you. If you wonder what people think of you, look at what they’re willing to do for you. When people are willing to pay the ultimate price, you no longer have to wonder if their love is genuine.
You and I may never be called on to give up our life for someone we love. But people will know just the same, because how we live says as much about us as how we’re willing to die.
If you want to know the depth of people’s love, just look at how much they are willing to sacrifice for you. If you wonder what people think of you, look at what they’re willing to do for you. When people are willing to pay the ultimate price, you no longer have to wonder if their love is genuine.
You and I may never be called on to give up our life for someone we love. But people will know just the same, because how we live says as much about us as how we’re willing to die.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Obama's Newest Pal
The following two quotes are from Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, it says how he feels about the U.S. “The United States empire is on its way down and it will be finished in the near future, inshallah," Chavez told reporters, ending the statement with the Arabic phrase for "God willing." "The devil came here yesterday."
And that is why it perturbs me to see our current president smooching with him during the Summit of the Americas. Read Story Here.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!
The Glory of the Resurrection lives on. The tomb where they laid His body is empty. The stone has been rolled away. The Son of Man has ascended and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. This we know. This we believe. It is to this great truth that we bear witness.
I pray that you and your family will be especially blessed this resurrection Sunday. And I say: He is Risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday. How can the worst day in human history be described as good? This is the day that Our Lord was crucified. It is the day he hung on the cross for all our sins. It is the day of darkness at noon.
The story of the last days of Jesus' ministry should be familiar to all. Knowing he would be killed, our Lord entered Jerusalem on the back of a colt. He was hailed by the multitudes, who lay their cloaks in his path, who spread palm fronds before him. "Hosanna to the Son of David," they cried. How quickly that would all change.
When Jesus was betrayed by a kiss, violent men took hold of him. He would not allow his disciples to respond in kind. Taken before the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, Jesus said "I have come to bear witness to the truth."
Pontius Pilate answered: "What is truth?" How many governors to this day, rulers of the earth, ask that same question? They act as if truth is all relative, a matter of perspective, if it exists at all.
Jesus feared not. When Pilate told him he had the authority to put him to death, Jesus answered. "You have no authority except that it is given to you from above."
Surely, this was the greatest political statement in history. All authority exercised by the rulers of this world comes from above. And they are responsible to God in heaven for their exercise of it, whether they know it or not. Nothing that happens on Capitol Hill is as important as what happened two thousand years ago on that hill of Calvary.
We hear much of death with dignity these days. Our Lord's death was anything but dignified. He was beaten, mocked, spat upon. They stuck out their lips as they cursed him. When he cried out in thirst, they gave him only vinegar on a sponge. Roman soldiers cast lots they actually gambled for his garments.
I hear that some people today prefer not to be called Christians. They tell reporters that this word has too much "baggage." Imagine the baggage the weight of all the sins of the world that Jesus carried along with that rugged cross.
We strive, knowing we are unworthy, but we strive nonetheless to be His followers. Being called Christian is our greatest hope. Being despised for His sake is our greatest honor.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Quote of the Day!!!
"I only wish, while I am a servant of the public, to know the will of my masters, that I may govern myself accordingly."
- George Washington, 1793
- George Washington, 1793
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Our Defense Secretary is Really Defending Us (Not)
Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Monday proposed killing weapons programs that are over budget, behind schedule and out-of-date, urging Congress to rise above parochial interests to support his plan. Read Story Here.
More Pistachios Are Recalled
Setton Pistachio expanded its voluntary recall of pistachios to include all roasted shell pistachios and in-shell pistachios due to possible salmonella contamination, the Terra Bella, California, company said on Monday. Read Story Here.
Illegals Could Be Counted In The Upcoming Census
U.S. Rep. William Clay, D-Mo., who chairs a House oversight subcommittee on the Census, said he plans to ask the Obama administration to suspend immigration raids over the next year. Is this guy for real? Read Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
- John Adams
- John Adams
Monday, April 6, 2009
New York Governor Being Told to Shape Up
Top New York Democrats have privately set a deadline of early November for Gov. Paterson to turn his poll numbers around or they'll urge him not to run next year.Read story Here.
Earthquake Hits Italy (Updated)
An Italian scientist predicted a major earthquake around L'Aquila weeks before disaster struck the city on Monday, killing dozens of people, but was reported to authorities for spreading panic among the population. Is there a cover up in the making? Read Story Here.
Earthquake Hits Italy
My prayers and thoughts are with the people of Italy as they are dealing with the aftermath of a pretty intense earthquake. The powerful earthquake in mountainous central Italy knocked down whole blocks of buildings early Monday as residents slept, killing more than 92 people and trapping many more. Read Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world."
- George Washington, From his Farewell
Address to the People of the
United States
- George Washington, From his Farewell
Address to the People of the
United States
Fritz Henderson, GM’s new president and CEO, said for the first time Sunday that the automaker is planning for the possibility of restructuring within bankruptcy, although he said he still hoped to avoid that public-relations nightmare. Story Here.
Geithner to Fire More CEOs
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said he’s prepared to oust the senior management and boards of directors at banks that require “exceptional” assistance (whatever that means, and who defines exceptional) from the U.S. government. Story Here.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
More Double Standards!
White House Staffers Make Millions from TARP Firms. Story Here.
Quote of the Day!!!
"Each generation should be made to bear the burden of its own wars, instead of carrying them on, at the expense of other generations."
-James Madison
-James Madison
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Quote of the Day!!!
"The name of AMERICAN, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discrimination."
-George Washington
-George Washington
Is Anyone Outraged About These Bonuses?
In a compensation program that has drawn angry protests from lawmakers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac expect to pay about $210 million in retention bonuses to 7,600 employees over 18 months, according to a letter from the mortgage companies' regulator. I think that's more than the AIG bonuses. I wonder if ACORN will be conducting bus tours of these people's homes???
It's A Tea Party!!!
It seems almost daily that the federal government launches yet another massive spending initiative. While it may be lost upon Washington bureaucrats that money for these projects doesn't just materialize from thin air, we Americans who have families, mortgages, car payments, tuition, and other expenses know differently. The money that Congress and the President seem to wield so nonchalantly comes from our pockets, our dreams, and our families.
The American Family Association, along with other groups, are helping to organize thousands of "TEA" (Taxed Enough Already) Parties across the country. I encourage you to visit the website and join the rallies happening in your area.
In a country such as ours where government, as described by Abraham Lincoln, is "of the people, by the people, for the people," we the people need to stand together to remind our officials not to use our families' hard-earned dollars so recklessly.
Visit and Join Other Families in Your Community to Rally Against Reckless Government Spending.
Source: AFA,
The American Family Association, along with other groups, are helping to organize thousands of "TEA" (Taxed Enough Already) Parties across the country. I encourage you to visit the website and join the rallies happening in your area.
In a country such as ours where government, as described by Abraham Lincoln, is "of the people, by the people, for the people," we the people need to stand together to remind our officials not to use our families' hard-earned dollars so recklessly.
Visit and Join Other Families in Your Community to Rally Against Reckless Government Spending.
Source: AFA,
Friday, April 3, 2009
Another Tax Cheat?
No, it's not an elaborate April Fools' joke. But it seems to be a prerequisite to be in President Obama's cabinet. Unfortunately for taxpayers, the revelation that Gov. Kathleen Sebelius owes back taxes is just another day in the Obama administration. News leaked that Sebelius like her nominated predecessor Tom Daschle is at least the sixth candidate in this administration (and potentially the third member of the President's Cabinet) who didn't pay their taxes.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner ($35,000), Labor Secretary Hilda Solis ($6,400), and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk ($10,100) were all confirmed despite short-changing Uncle Sam. For Sebelius, whose radical policy record is already cause for concern, this news should give the Senate even greater pause when considering her nomination. In a letter to the Senate Finance Committee explaining her predicament, Sebelius says that the $7,000 in back taxes were "unintentional errors." Errors, unfortunately, which are becoming commonplace among this administration's high-ranking officials. It is ironic that while Gov. Sebelius didn't want to pay her taxes, she apparently has no hesitations about forcing taxpayers to fund a radical pro-abortion agenda as head of HHS. Before this week, the Senate had plenty of reasons to oppose Gov. Sebelius for her extreme anti-family views, but failing to pay her taxes while she spends ours to advance her liberal agenda should not be overlooked. The Kansas governor should do the honorable thing and withdraw her name from consideration. If she doesn't, the only April fools will be the senators who vote for her confirmation. I wonder what would happen to us if we didn't pay our taxes???
Source: FRC, Chicago Tribune
U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner ($35,000), Labor Secretary Hilda Solis ($6,400), and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk ($10,100) were all confirmed despite short-changing Uncle Sam. For Sebelius, whose radical policy record is already cause for concern, this news should give the Senate even greater pause when considering her nomination. In a letter to the Senate Finance Committee explaining her predicament, Sebelius says that the $7,000 in back taxes were "unintentional errors." Errors, unfortunately, which are becoming commonplace among this administration's high-ranking officials. It is ironic that while Gov. Sebelius didn't want to pay her taxes, she apparently has no hesitations about forcing taxpayers to fund a radical pro-abortion agenda as head of HHS. Before this week, the Senate had plenty of reasons to oppose Gov. Sebelius for her extreme anti-family views, but failing to pay her taxes while she spends ours to advance her liberal agenda should not be overlooked. The Kansas governor should do the honorable thing and withdraw her name from consideration. If she doesn't, the only April fools will be the senators who vote for her confirmation. I wonder what would happen to us if we didn't pay our taxes???
Source: FRC, Chicago Tribune
Quote of the Day!!!
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Quote of the Day!!!
"Treat your wife always with respect; it will procure respect to you, not from her only, but from all that observe it."
-Benjamin Franklin- 1768
-Benjamin Franklin- 1768
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